LitNet is n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |

LitNet Prize Winners
Geluk aan: * Congratulations to:
The winners of our "Vote for your favourite piece
of 2005" Competition!
Brenda Killian, the winner of Mary
Mary by James Patterson Brett Beiles,
the winner of The Constant Princess by Philippa Gregory Eva
Hunter, the winner of Salem Falls by Jodie Picoult,
and Waldo Janse van Rensburg,
the winner of The Lincoln Lawyer by Connelly.
Prizes with compliments of Jonathan Ball Publishers  |
Luitjie Mulder,
die wenner van IL de Villiers se Leviet en Vreemdeling.
Boek geskenk deur  |
Jacques Mostert,
die wenner van ons Valentysdag liefdesliedjie-kompetisie. Hy wen 'n kopie
van Etienne Steyn se Storie van my hart.
The winners of our Valentine's Day "Love Advice" Competition!
Chanene Barnard and Heidi
Zeelie, who both win a copy of Jane Austen's Guide to
Dating by Lauren Henderson. Prizes
with compliments of Jonathan Ball Publishers  |
Tanya Nel, who
is the winner of the Penguin RED Classics
Tanya will receive Penguin books to the value of R400!
Prize with compliments of Penguin Publishing
South Africa |
Sunita, die
wenner van die LêNet Liefdesbriefkompetisie!
Sy wen 'n getekende eksemplaar van Voor ek vergeet deur André P Brink, Grootmensspeletjies deur Irna van Zyl en Pan se Pretboek deur Charles Malan.
Boeke geskenk deur  |
Gina Scheuder,
die wenner van ons ReisNet/Bestemmings-kompetisie!
Sy wen 'n eksemplaar van Bestemmings vir haar ReisNet verhaal:
Vertel my iets wat ek nie weet
Boeke geskenk deur  |
Johan van der Merwe,
die wenner van ons Paaie-kompetisie!
Lees hier meer
oor Paaie.
Boek met komplimente van Griffel Media |
Christiaan Loff wat 'n
eksemplaar van Oopgelate Kringe gewen het
Boeke geskenk deur  |
The winners of our Horror Feature book giveaway!
Cristel Harmse who wins Crosscut by Meg Gardiner
Rodney and Valerie Izaks who win The Death Collectors
by Jack Kerley
Wendy Scheepers who wins Velocity by Dean Koontz
SE Rabie who wins The Twelfth Card by Jeffery Deaver
Neville Thompson who wins Dark Harbour by David Hosp
Books with compliments of Jonathan
Ball Publishers |
Our five double ticket winners who got to see Exits
and Entrances at the Baxter Theatre
Melt Myburgh
Ludolph Parker
Juanita van der Westhuizen
Susan Hannekom
Laa’iqah Ebrahim / Wynnertu Brümmer
Tickets proudly donated by the  |
D J Joubert of Weltevreden Park, who has won a copy of The Closers
Johan Pistor of Cape Town, who has won a copy of The Closers
Books with compliments of JonathanBallPublishers |
SW Geel of Durbanville, who has won a copy of The Good Doctor
Book with compliments of Penguin Publishing South Africa |
Jeanie, Johan de Beer, Arrie
Nel en Aletta Pretorius het almal 'n Anton
en Vrinne-DVD gewen
Besoek die kompetisie-blad, klik hier |
Hazel Barnes of Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg,
who has won a copy of The Bone Woman
Book proudly donated by Penguin Publishing South Africa |
Leoni Swanepoel of Brakpan, who has won a copy of The Trouble with Africa
Neville Thompson of Bredell, Gauteng, who has won a copy of The Trouble with Africa
Books with compliments of Penguin Publishing South Africa |
Mrs Y Jamieson of Bryanston, who has won a copy of Travelling Light
Book with compliments of Penguin Publishing South Africa
Maryke Slabbert of Alberton, who has won a copy of Doing it with Doris
Book with compliments of Penguin Publishing South Africa
Inga Strydom of Swallows Rest, Zeekoevlei, who has won a copy of Recessional for Grace
Carol Pillay of Strandfontein, who has won a copy of Recessional for Grace
Veralda Schmidt who has won a copy of Recessional for Grace
Books with compliments of Penguin Publishing South Africa
Annelise Kemp of Durbanville, who has won a copy of Fire, Shadow and Dreams
Book with compliments of Fire Griffen |
Look out for more competitions on the following pages:
For book reviews visit these pages:
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