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Party Tricks

* Click here for stories / Klik hier vir verhale
* Click here to win prizes! / Klik hier vir pryse!
* New! Use these drawings for inspiration and win / Tekeninge deur Colleen Hay!
* Click here to submit a short horror story! / Klik hier om 'n gruverhaal te stuur!
* Horror Festacular!

Are you ready?

Ghost Stories

  • A cold cold heart
    Helen Brain

    Horror Stories

  • Entanglement
    Diane Awerbuck

  • The All Hallows’ Massacre - 10 problems to solve
    Maire Fisher

  • Extract from Buttons for Gaia
  • The Dark Side Of Sunny South Africa
    Hagen Engler

  • Patsy and the Pig Tree
    Lynne Newnham

    Horror Festacular

    Don't miss the first ever Horror Festacular at the Labia, Cape Town.
    One week of horror movies on the big scream - 28 October to 3 November!

    Skrik vir niks?


  • Die laaste gesproke woord was "een"
    Coenie Kukkuk

  • Verkorte notule
  • Die rooi hand
    Tiens Pretorius

  • Die woonstel skuins bokant myne
    Jean Lombard

    Check out these drawings by Colleen Hay. Use one of them as inspiration for a short story and you could win a great book prize! (Comeptition has no closing date. Verhale kan Engels of Afrikaans wees.)


    This competition has closed, but you can keen an eye out for future book give-aways on LitNet!

    Prizes to sink your teeth into

    Here are the fiendishly good prizes you stand the chance of winning!

    All Horror Feature short story writers are automatically entered into a draw for a bloodcurdling book pack.

    All prizes sponsored by Jonathan Ball Publishers

    Jonathan Ball

    WIN *** WIN *** WIN *** WIN *** WIN *** WIN *** WIN
    Klik en wen!
    An innocent man is forced by a serial killer to choose who will be murdered next.
    Klik hier en wen!
    "Kerley has a boundless and truly ghastly imagination that'll keep you awake long after you turn the last page."
    Klik en wen!
    "Class reunions can be a killer."
    Klik en wen!
    "The heart of a victim. The mind of a killer."
    Klik en wen!
    "The most creative, skilled and intriguing thriller writer in the world."
    Klik en wen!
    Two corpses. Both have been savagely beaten, the skin flayed from their bodies, their throats cut.
    WEN *** WEN *** WEN *** WEN *** WEN *** WEN *** WEN
    All these horrorfying book prizes are sponsored by the spellbinding

    Horror Feature 2005:

    We're looking for short ghost stories and tales of terror. The feature will run from mid-October to mid-November.
    Send your submissions to for consideration

    Here are some "October" terms to get your imagination running wild:

  • The term "Halloween" derives from Hallowe'en, an old contraction, still retained in Scotland and some parts of Canada, of "All Hallow's Eve"
  • In Mexico, All Saint's Day, following Halloween, is the Day of the Dead
  • The night before Halloween is also known as "Mischief Night", "Gate Night", "Cabbage Night" or "Devil's Night"
  • At this time of year it was believed that the invisible "gates" between this world and the spirit world were opened and free movement between both worlds was possible
  • Commonly-associated Halloween characters include ghosts, witches, bats, black cats, owls, goblins, zombies and demons, as well as certain fictional figures like Dracula and Frankenstein's monster
  • Trick-or-treating is also known as guising in Scotland
  • In Scotland, children or guisers are likely to recite "The sky is blue, the grass is green, may we have our Halloween" instead of "trick or treat!"
  • Perhaps the most elaborate example of a Mischief Night prank was Orson Welles' radio dramatization of The War of the Worlds, originally aired on October 30, 1938. Welles' broadcast, which purported to be a live newscast detailing the invasion of the United States by Martians, was accepted as real by many listeners and created a public panic in some areas of the country.

    Facts sourced from Wikipedia. Visit them for more Halloween facts.


  • AntonInside the Plasma Supermarket
    Anton Krueger (2004)
    Krige and a friendStory with no name
    Krige van Rensburg (2004)
    Douwlina and her catDon't go in when the lights are out
    Douwlina du Plessis (2004)

    Visit Party Tricks!

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