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Diane Awerbuck taught English and History at Rustenburg
Girls' High School until 2002; she was Head of English and also a
member of the Governing Body. She completed a Masters in Creative
Writing (UCT), awarded with distinction. Her novel Gardening at
Night was reprinted by Vintage in March 2004. It won the Commonwealth
First Book Award (African region) in 2004. She is currently working
on its sequel, The House of Bread. She teaches Narrative and
Aesthetics part-time at the film school AFDA. Her short stories appear
regularly in publications - mainly because her ex-students all seem
to be journalists. Awerbuck is a freelance journalist and reviewer,
mostly for the South African Sunday Times. She also writes
and edits for Maskew Miller Longman, and writes a column for www.extrange.com.
On sexuality, erotics, disease, ageing, privacy, piercing, abuse

Pumla Dineo Gqola is a feminist writer whose short
stories have been published in anthologies of (South) African writing,
and most recently in Tyhume, Gowanus and Postcolonial
Text. Her creative non-fiction has appeared in Fito, Chimurenga
and the UK-based Drum. She has published academic articles
on African and Caribbean literature, feminism, womanist and postcolonial
studies, and is co-editor of Discourses on Difference, Discourses
on Oppression (2002). A graduate of the Universities of Cape Town,
Warwick (England) and Münich (Germany), she is employed as a senior
lecturer in the Humanities at the University of the Free State. 
Ukufunda ngomzimba wam
Growing into my body

Stacy Hardy is a writer living in Cape Town. She is
a founding member of the Venus Fly Trapeze Theatre Company, which
has produced nine works since 1995. She's written scripts for the
likes of Andrew Buckland, Ginette Ginslov and Martinus Basson's Reis,
Vleis & Aartappels Theatre Company. Her hypertext and multimedia art
has been exhibited at various local and international exhibitions.
In 2002 she was a member of the South African delegation at Ars Electronica
in Austria. She has won numerous awards, including a Construction
Award (2003) and a New Channels Digital Art Competition award (2003).
Her fiction has appeared on donga and LitNet and in AFRO
Magazine. She participated in the 2003 Crossing Border Festival in
The Hague in The Netherlands with fellow South African authors Ivan
Vladislavic, Lesego Rampolokeng, Phaswane Mpe, K Sello Duiker and
Nadine Botha.
Friggin' in the riggin' cos there's fuck all else to do |

Ilse van Staden was born in Pretoria (1972) but
grew up in the Waterberg. She matriculated at Pro Arte High School,
Pretoria, and studied veterinary science at the University of Pretoria.
After various locums in South Africa and also working for six months
in England, she settled in Cullinan as a vet in 1997. Her poems were
published in Nuwe Stemme 2 (Tafelberg, 2001) and in the debut
anthology Watervlerk (Tafelberg, 2003). She is currently working
towards a BA in Creative Writing through Unisa.
Rapunsel in die toring
Rapunzel in the tower |

Jackie Nagtegaal studied LLB at Stellenbosch.
Wrote Vis in die Punch at 17. "I speak Afrikaans badly
and most people think I'm going to hell."
My lyf is die twee extremes tussen pleasure en pyn (met apologie aan Schopenhauer)
My body is the two extremes between pleasure and pain (with apologies to Schopenhauer) |

Toast Coetzer is 27 and lives somewhere in Cape Town
not too far from a bar, but was born in Cradock, went to school in
Somerset East and then to varsity in Grahamstown. He likes fish and
chips and travelling and cricket and mountains and Koreans. He's in
a band called The Buckfever Underground which has two albums out,
Jou Medemens is Dood and TAFL - Teaching Afrikaans as a
Foreign Language. Once, way back, he beat the bass player of Skunk
Anansie at pool.
Over my dead body |
LitNet: 4 October 2004
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