LitNet is n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |

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WriteAgain II
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Read the reports:
Sheila Roberts
First report
Second report
Mike Nicol
First report
Second report
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Our Writers in Residence
Sheila Roberts
Sheila holds an MA (University of South Africa, 1972) and a D Litt (University of Pretoria, 1977). She has published three novels, three collections of short stories, and three chapbooks of poetry. The most recent publications are: a collection of short stories, Coming in (Johannesburg: Justified Press, 1993), and poetry, Daughters and other dutiful women (Johannesburg: Justified Press, 1995). Her stories have appeared in TriQUARTERLY, Contrast and New contrast, the Denver quarterly, the Cimarron review, the Pacific review and others. She frequently publishes articles on South African literature, a subject she also teaches at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where she is a professor and the coordinator of Creative Writing.
Mike Nicol
is the author of four novels (the last of which was The Ibis Tapestry), three books of non-fiction, including A Good-Looking Corpse, and two volumes of poetry. He also works as a journalist contributing to various South African and international publications
Our authors
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Patrick Cairnsis a young writer. Recently he threw himself out of an aeroplane at 3000 feet and, since he survived, he plans to do it again soon. Patrick writes poetry, original short fiction and childrens stories.
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Dave Chisletis an online journalist who has been writing commercially for a living for six years. In 1998 he won the Ernst van Heerden prize for creative writing. Otherwise he plays bass, bad pool and drinks beer while dreaming up the great South African novel.
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Jacklyn Cockis a professor of Sociology at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. She has written extensively on militarisation, gender and environmentalism in Southern Africa. Her books include: Maids and madams. The politics of exploitation in South Africa and Colonels and Cadres. War and Gender in South Africa. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of Oxford, the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, the Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University and the Centre for Historical analysis, Rutgers University.
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Tickey de Jagermatriculated at Hottentots Holland and then obtained his B Sc at Stellenbosch in mathematics, chemistry and physics. He taught at Rondebosch Boys High School for 34 years, the last 25 only mathematics to the top sets. Is co-author of Just Mathematics, a series of maths textbooks, and author of More Than Just Maths, a book for maths teachers. He lectured on the teaching of mathematics at Cape Town University for many years and was a frequent speaker at maths conferences.
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Vicky ScholtzTaking the scenic route through Fine Art, teaching, NGOs and the Health Sector, Vicki arrived at UCT eight years ago, where she is currently masquerading as an IT Manager. She writes in a futile attempt to keep her brain cells alive.
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