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The secret is out ...

  • "Digging in the suitcase like Pandora opening her box": Michelle McGrane speaks with Deborah Steinmair (31/08/2006)
  • "Literature enables you to examine your life": An interview with Antjie Krog (24/08/2006)
  • Michelle McGrane in conversation with Henrietta Rose-Innes, novelist, editor and compiler of Nice Times! A book of South African pleasures and delights (09/08/2006)
  • Norah Vincent, the author of Self-Made Man, speaks to Michelle McGrane about writing and the transition from woman to man (27/06/2006)
  • Michelle McGrane in conversation with Michelle Matthews, publishing manager of Oshun Books (13/06/2006)
  • Michelle McGrane in conversation with Rosemund Handler, author of Madlands  (03/05/2006)
  • Michelle McGrane discusses writing, fear and South Africanness with Shaun Johnson, author of The Native Commissioner  (04/04/2006)
  • Michelle McGrane in conversation with Melinda Ferguson, author of Smacked: A Harrowing True Story of Addiction and Survival  (15/03/2006)
  • Fred de Vries meets with Carlos Fuentes to discuss freedom of speech, the power of a writer and pet hates  (24/02/2006)
  • Arja Salafranca reveals Don Pinnock, author of Blue Ice, who's breaking the mould of South African journalism (25/01/2006)
  • Michelle McGrane speaks to Albert Jack, author of Shaggy Dogs and Black Sheep: The Origins of Even More Phrases We Use Every Day (21/12)
  • Janet van Eeden speaks to Lyndall Gordon, author of Mary Wollstoencraft: A new genus, a biography in which Lyndall attempts to vindicate this historical figure (30/11)
  • Michelle McGrane plays word games with Adam Jacot de Boinod, author of the fascinating non-fiction book The Meaning of Tingo: And Other Extraordinary Words from Around the World  (16/11)
  • Adrian Hadland on choosing childhood accounts to surprise, intrigue and delight. Arja Salafranca speaks to him about his work on Childhood (24/10)
  • Garden of the Plagues is Human & Rousseau's first novel in English. Tom Eaton speaks to the author, Russel Brownlee about his pioneering work (07/09)
  • “All of us South Africans are really products of major political change ... That particularly interests me as a novelist.” Janet van Eeden spoke to Gillian Slovo about the film adaptation of her novel Red Dust (10/08)
  • "I am the whale caller." Zakes Mda surfaces in an interview with Tom Eaton about his new book The whale caller (06/07)
  • Hans Pienaar delves into the depths of Agaat in an interview with Marlene van Niekerk (02/06)
  • Herman Wasserman was moved by the delicate poignancy of Gabeba Baderoon's poems, and asked her how they came about (02/06)
  • Sharon Meyering discusses bones and writing with the Bone Woman, Clea Koff (03/05)
  • Paul Murray interviewed Raymond Ackerman in his office on Saturday 16th April 2005 (03/05)
  • Sharon Meyering asks Marita van der Vyver about Travelling Light, storytelling and Luca (06/04)
  • Michelle McGrane questions Arja Salafranca on natural talent, relationships and poetry (18/02)
  • Zoe Molver in conversation with Marguerite Poland (13/12)
  • During his recent book tour to South Africa, Richard Mason told Sharon Meyering the story of Us (25/10)

    More interviews ...

    Bouncing into the spotlight on Ricochet:
    • Julia Stewart — for clearing the way for Quotable African Women (12/10/2005)
    • Troy Blacklaws — for hijacking the stage at the Sunday Times Literary Awards and donating money from the sale of his new book to charity (31/09/2005)
    • Vic Guhrs — for his stunning representation of Africa in The Trouble with Africa (31/03/2005)
    • Ishtiyaq Shukri — for his daring novel that snatched the EU Literary Award (18/02/2005)
    • Christopher Heywood — for his attempt to approach "literature as a whole through African eyes" (18/02/2005)
    • Alison Lowry — the firecracker CEO of Penguin Books South Africa offers aspiring writers some help (23/09/2004)
    • Maggie Davey — of Jacana Media gives us the scoop on the prestigious EU Literary Award (16/08/2004)
    • Anton Krueger — LitNet's poetry guru, points us in the right direction about poetry and life (26/07/2004)
    • Niq Mhlongo — claws his way out of the dog fight with Dog eat dog (28/06/2004)
    • Barbara Erasmus — spins into focus when she speaks about Kaleidoscope, her debut novel from Penguin (26/05/2004)
    • Rayda Jacobs — makes a glancing rebound with Postcards from South Africa, published by Double Storey (05/05/2004)
    • Interview with Troy Blacklaws — author of Karoo Boy from Double Storey (30/04/2004)

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