LitNet is n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |
Valencia Francis
Crazy people all around
Mental institutions overcrowd
I sit watching from the outside,
Looking in
But all I see is humanity
Looking for something to kill,
Theyre hungry for peoples spirits
Joy and laughter, even song,
They hate peace and quiet
Instead they prefer to shout, scream and riot,
Anything to cause destruction
The cats and dogs
watch as their masters go to war
They watch carefully
The path man chooses to explore
The birds and bees have no trees to call a home
Instead they rubble through dirt
Where the new casino now dwells forever more
I sit on the outside looking in
Waiting for an eruption
Waiting to see whos going to win
Am I the only one that sees all this madness?
All the projected unrest and sadness
Babies born with diseases
For which there is no cure
Yet politicians choose to fight
With each other and cause more war
Wake up! You people seem to be walking in your sleep
Youre headed to a bridge where there is
no salvation
Just a cliff
Then you will be no more ...
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