Dear LitNet I am amazed at the partisan nature of the "debate" around Antjie Krog's alleged plagiarism on your website. On Friday the Mail&Guardian exposed another allegation, this one even more damning than Watson's, and yet you have not even a whisper about it on your site. In that issue of the newspaper, Tom Eaton wrote an article in which he suggested that local literature in English and Afrikaans has split into two opposing camps along language lines; and looking at the ludicrously defensive copy on your site, I have to admit that he may have a point. I think Watson is overreacting. I also think Krog has become a literary holy cow who gets away with murder. But surely your job is to provide an intelligent, balanced view of the whole debate? LitNet has always had a predominantly Afrikaans slant - that's what makes it so fresh and free from academic nonsense. But now, because of that slant, you seem unable to remain objective, and as such have lost a great deal of the credibility you have built up over the years. Yours sincerely
Mike Stevenson Send your comments to webvoet@litnet.co.za to continue the discussion on SêNet, our interactive opinion page.
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