LitNet is n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |

Colleen Higgs
was born in 1962. She spent most of her childhood in Lesotho, her
adolescence and young adulthood in Johannesburg, and more recently, she
lived for five years in Grahamstown. She now lives in Woodstock, Cape Town,
with her husband and baby daughter. She has worked as a teacher, a teacher
trainer, a materials writer and an academic development lecturer, and is
currently programme manager at The Centre for the Book. Her poems have been
published in literary magazines over the past fifteen years.
Halfborn Woman
Halfborn Woman is a chronicle of a journey towards life and towards
wholeness. The poems explore the strangeness and the ordinariness of the
poet's encounters with herself and the world. These poems are quirky,
funny, moving, human. They reveal the darkness and anguish of intimacy
without losing faith in the redemptive power of relationships, "being
happy is not a thread or a quilt or a road/ it's like bees buzzing on a
hot afternoon/ separately, then disappearing.
honey (21/10/2004)
a memory of my parents, circa 1977 (21/10/2004)
what I remember (21/10/2004)
butcher bird (21/10/2004)
intentions (21/10/2004)
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