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In die Steentyd
Dirk Laurie
In die Steentyd – daardie jare was ons wrede rou barbare
wat gemoor het om 'n vrou, 'n huid, 'n grot.
Ek was sanger sonder grens in die rooidag van die mens
en het als besing: ons lief en leed en lot.
Ek't gesing tussen oerdiere terwyl magtige riviere
groot valleie dieper kerf in die Karoo;
Toe baloi en tokkelos en die God van berg en bos
rondom my was, en daaronder, en daarbo.
Maar my buurman was jaloers, sê my liedjies is te boers,
toe verbrysel ek sy harspan met 'n byl,
En my siening oor die Kuns laat ek agter as 'n guns
in die borskas van 'n etser langs die Nyl.
Toe slag ek hul velle los, en ek gee my honde kos,
en ek ryg 'n tande-halssnoer om my strot.
Met bebloede mond sê ek: "Dis goed so dat hulle vrek,
want mý werk is goed en hulle s'n was vrot."
Maar my voorvader se gees het my woedebui genees,
in 'n droom die nag kom wys hy my tereg –
"Daar is sewentig metodes vir die maak van oerstam-odes
en elke liewe een daarvan is reg."
. . . . . . .
Nou, vyftig eeue later, rys my gees weer uit die water
en bewoon 'n lyf veel broser, maar geklee.
Ek is byna tien duim langer, en opnuut 'n stam se sanger,
en 'n tweederangse digter, sê Grové.
Nog steeds bly hulle stry, die ou jagmakkers van my,
wat saam oerosse bekruip het in die veld,
toe die ryk Monomotapa self die baas was oor sy lapa,
piramides nog van klip was, nie van geld.
In die Christelike eeu hou ons aan met skel en skreeu,
met knyp en krap en byt, selfs in die kerk;
ons laat steeds ons sake gly – soos die huid nog halfgebrei –
om 'n medeghwar te wys hoe om te werk.
Met sy sewe vastelande het ons wêreld allerhande
soorte mense, en ja, elkeen weet net hoe.
Wat in Waterkloof nog skok is al ou nuus in Bangkok,
'n skandaal in Sandton kuis in Katmandoe.
Hier's my wysheid, reeds geleer toe wisent, mammoet en beer
nog geswerf het waar vandag die taxi’s vleg:
"Daar is sewentig metodes vir die maak van oerstam-odes
* * *
Oorspronklike gedig van Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) uit The Seven Seas:
In the Neolithic Age
In the Neolithic Age savage warfare did I wage
For food and fame and woolly horses' pelt;
I was singer to my clan in that dim, red Dawn of Man,
And I sang of all we fought and feared and felt.
Yea, I sang as now I sing, when the Prehistoric spring
Made the piled Biscayan ice-pack split and shove;
And the troll and gnome and dwerg, and the Gods of Cliff and Berg
Were about me and beneath me and above.
But a rival, of Solutré, told the tribe my style was outré-
'Neath a tomahawk of diorite he fell.
And I left my views on Art, barbed and tanged, below the heart
Of a mammothistic etcher at Grenelle.
Then I stripped them, scalp from skull, and my hunting dogs fed full,
And their teeth I threaded neatly on a thong;
And I wiped my mouth and said, "It is well that they are dead,
For I know my work is right and theirs was wrong."
But my Totem saw the shame; from his ridgepole shrine he came,
And he told me in a vision of the night:-
"There are nine and sixty ways of constructing tribal lays,
And every single one of them is right!"
. . . . .
Then the silence closed upon me till They put new clothing on me
Of whiter, weaker flesh and bone more frail;
And I stepped beneath Time's finger, once again a tribal singer
And a minor poet certified by Traill.
Still they skirmish to and fro, men my messmates on the snow,
When we headed off the aurochs turn for turn;
When the rich Allobrogenses never kept amanuenses,
And our only plots were piled in lakes at Berne.
Still a cultured Christian age sees us scuffle, squeak, and rage,
Still we pinch and slap and jabber, scratch and dirk;
Still we let our business slide - as we dropped the half-dressed hide -
To show a fellow-savage how to work.
Still the world is wondrous large - seven seas from marge to marge -
And it holds a vast of various kinds of man;
And the wildest dreams of Kew are the facts of Khatmandhu,
And the crimes of Clapham chaste in Martaban.
Here's my wisdom for your use, as I learned it when the moose
And the reindeer roared where Paris roars to-night:-
There are nine and sixty ways of constructing tribal lays,
Neolitiese tydperk: ongeveer 3000 vC tot 2000 vC
LitNet: 31 Augustus 2005
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