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Rules of entry for the 2005 HSBC/SA PEN literary award
Press release
- Entries will be restricted to writers born in 1964 or later. Any citizen of South Africa or of the SADC countries is eligible to enter. Prizes of
US$5 000, $3 000 and $2 000, will be awarded for the three best short stories (winner, first runner-up and second runner-up) selected by the Editorial Board.
- All stories must be original works in English, hitherto unpublished, of not less than 2 500 words and not more than 4 000 words. No previously published work will be acceptable.
- Entries should be typed in double spacing on one side only of A4 paper. Pages should be numbered and fastened securely together. No name, address or other identifying mark should appear on the typescript other than the title of the story on each page. Three copies should be submitted.
- A covering letter with the name, address and photocopy of ID of the entrant should be included.
- Submissions will not be returned, so entrants are advised to keep a copy. An entry implies acceptance of all the rules and conditions of the project. Failure to comply will result in disqualification.
- An Editorial Board, to include Nobel Laureate J M Coetzee, will be appointed jointly by HSBC, SA PEN and NEW AFRICA BOOKS. Judges will select the entries to be included in the book as well as the winner of the HSBC/SA PEN Literary Award. The Judges' decision will be final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into. All entries will be judged anonymously. SA PEN and NEW AFRICA BOOKS will ensure that the name of the author does not appear on material submitted to the Editorial Board. Identity will be recorded by means of a confidential coding system.
- In all cases, the copyright shall remain with the author, but SA PEN shall reserve the right to allow stories from the book to be published in the magazines PEN INTERNATIONAL or PEN NEWS or in anthology form. HSBC, SA PEN and NEW AFRICA BOOKS also reserve the right not to publish or award should the general standard of submission be unacceptable to them. Royalties on the sale of the volumes of NEW WRITING FROM SOUTHERN AFRICA - 2005 will not accrue to individual writers.
- Submissions should be sent to:
P O Box 23408
Claremont 7735
Cape Town
The closing date for submissions will be 30 November 2004.
- NEW AFRICA BOOKS cannot undertake to make corrections or
amendments to any typescript submitted. Nor, while they will take
great care of typescripts, can they be responsible for any that are
damaged or lost while in the post.
- NEW WRITING FROM SOUTHERN AFRICA - 2005 will be launched officially in 2005 at a time and place to be publicised. At this function the literary prizes of US $5 000, $3 000 and $2 000, exclusively the right and reserve of HSBC, will be awarded. HSBC and SA PEN will also have the right to be directly involved in the process of distribution, marketing and promotion through all media. The book will be marketed in this country and abroad, and will also be publicised by International PEN which has 130 centres throughout the world.
LitNet: 16 July 2004
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