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New literary award for Southern Africa

JM Coetzee agrees to be final judge

Press release

The South African Centre of International PEN (SA PEN), in partnership with HSBC Bank and NEW AFRICA BOOKS, is pleased to announce a new literary award in southern Africa that aims to discover and promote new creative writers in the region.

The HSBC / SA PEN Literary Award offers talented young writers an exciting opportunity to launch a career in writing locally and internationally.

The winning contributions will be published by SA PEN and NEW AFRICA BOOKS in the first of an annual series of books of new creative writing, entitled New Writing from southern Africa. For the first volume, to be published in 2005, the Award will be for short story writing. In future years, prizes will be awarded for the best contributions in genres to be decided by the editorial board.

International PEN, the literary organisation to which SA PEN is affiliated, has 130 centres throughout the world and has undertaken to publicise the new series in its global journal.

Nobel Laureate J M Coetzee has agreed to be the final judge on an editorial board which will include other prominent writers and publishers.

In a sponsorship arrangement which makes this one of the most financially rewarding literary competitions in southern Africa, international banking giant, HSBC, will provide cash prizes totalling US$10 000 annually for the initial three years. The winner of the 2005 HSBC / SA PEN Literary Award will receive $5 000 (approx R30 000) and those placed second and third will receive $3 000 (R18 000) and $2 000 (R12 000) respectively.

For the 2005 Award, young writers from South Africa and other countries in the SADC region are invited to submit original, previously unpublished short stories. All contributions must be written in English. The closing date will be 30 November 2004.

Contributors mustnot be older than forty at the time of submission.

Commenting on the Award, HSBC's sub-Saharan Africa CEO Richard Adcock, says:

With achievement comes a responsibility to contribute back to the wider society. Having recently opened our South African banking operation we welcome the opportunity to share our success. Supporting the arts is a deeply ingrained part of HSBC's philosophy and by sponsoring the HSBC / SA PEN Literary Prize we are proud to be presenting young writers with an exciting opportunity to showcase their talent.

SA PEN President, Anthony Fleischer, says:

We aim to promote the series widely in southern Africa in an attempt to encourage young writers to express the vitality and diversity of our new society. We are looking for creative material of universal literary appeal which will make compelling reading.

SA PEN has published previous books of new South African writing, with contributions from distinguished writers such as Nadine Gordimer, Oswald Joseph Mtshali and Zakes Mda.

Click here for the submission rules. For further information about the Award, please contact SA PEN Secretary, Liesa Jossel at 084 8432426 or email:

Visit the New Africa Books website:

LitNet: 16 July 2004

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