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![]() The Last ChapterLeila Abouzeid
The opening paragraph introduces one immediately to Aishas sardonic, unorthodox voice: Studying with boys was reckoned to be hard, like running up a desert mountain at noon. Wed had so many warnings about getting pregnant that we half believed we could do so just by talking to them, as if we were studying with ghouls. Yet I learned to prefer interaction with men. Not that I found them intrinsically more intelligent. But they did not pick at our minds, since they assumed we were born without them. (1) If we were inclined to think this an exaggeration of the societys sexist attitudes, Abouzeid builds in a corroborative statement from a former, primary, schoolmate of Aishas. It is the reported comment of this (unhappily married) womans husband, after seeing Aisha consulted for public comment on television. He says: Ill bet you anything shes dying to exchange that nonsense for a husband. A woman should learn just enough to raise her children and say her prayers, in response to which the wife, for her part, silently recalls the words of the Prophet: Seeking knowledge is the religious duty of every Muslim man and woman (133, emphasis added). The story of this pitiful woman is, of course, far more representative of the lot of a majority of Moroccan women than that of the well-educated, comparatively privileged Aisha who, even though her series of failed love relationships (or, more accurately: the series of ultimately unsatisfactory men she has unfortunately had relationships with) has left her wounded and defensively cynical, is far better off (precisely because she is single, it is suggested). The final chapter of the novel (in which this womans story is told) is the last and longest in a series of vignettes, dispersed throughout the text, to help us to understand not only why Aisha lives the life she does, but why, despite the deep sorrow and disappointment underlying her flippant cynicism, her sufferings are relatively bearable. Most other female persons in Moroccan society, to go by the authors depiction, have much harder lives even though it is discernibly Aishas combination of unusual intelligence and an invincible determination not to allow herself to be exploited that has worked to protect her from domestic suffering. The interesting thing about Abouzeids portrayal of Moroccan society is her insistence that it may be mainly women, even more than men, who cause womens unhappiness by ruthlessly exploiting and abusing them. For example, the former school friend referred to above has nights and days that she describes as follows: My eyes stay open until the muezzins first invocation before the dawn prayer, and then Ill spend the day distracted and dazed, doing my best to conceal it from my mother-in-law whose taunts and laughter follow me around like a whip. (134) Her own mother, who is depicted as sympathetic, tries to console her, but its Jobs comfort: using the proverbial image of the olive tree that is battered for its fruit (130) she in effect advises her daughter to endure abuse for the sake of her children. As a result, the (evidently profoundly distressed and deeply depressed) woman feels her position to be akin to that of the Palestinians, living on hope alone (147) a very sad but telling political analogy. Abouzeid elsewhere more sharply indicates the close link between domestic exploitation and political oppression, when Aisha observes drily that democracy and hunger dont mix (89). And she validates the sharpness of her tongue by adding: I believe in self-criticism for my own good and the good of my country (89). She demonstrates that when she resigns from her job in the ministry of information, where the link between sexism and corrupt inefficiency has been glaringly illustrated in the unimpeded progress, up to ministerial level, of a grotesquely inept, vulgar, corrupt, promiscuous (and, of course, male) colleague who made her position there untenable. Not even parents can be trusted to behave lovingly. Aishas own father, considered an intellectual, behaves like a mere petty dictator in trying to force her into an unsuitable marriage lucrative to himself (51). And its not just fathers who bring their children up with an iron fist either, as Aisha observes when she watches a mother slap[ping a small girl] hard across the face with a scowl and a curse for a trivial mistake (92). A former school friend of Aishas, disinherited and denounced as a whore by her father for marrying a divorced Frenchman, catches him out when he picks her up, initially unrecognisable as a professional prostitute. Taking off her wig and dark glasses in the car with her father, she says: Well, now that you know how I got to be such a slut, shouldnt we call your father so he can disinherit you? (11). Whereas husbands, in our country, Aisha says, are born with an instinct for betrayal, so burdened are the women, in consequence, so frequently left to cope with numerous children without support when the husband leaves to take up life with a younger woman, that they will unburden themselves to any stranger almost a parody of the caring and interest that is unavailable from their own families (28). The Polisario may be resisting Moroccan rule, to continue Abouzeids political analogy, but in the sphere of sexual relations the exploiters still tend to be on the male side. Aisha rather admired her insolent Saharan (118) until the lack of respect proved to be directly aimed at herself. Vividly, the last image in Aishas direct part of the narrative (which continues until the end of the penultimate chapter of the novel) derives from a painting she saw in the Prado of children yearningly looking up a haystack you cannot climb the haystack … Its slippery! (127) Moroccans are accomplished sorcerers, my dear [Aisha tells an American researcher]. Or sorceresses. We cause miscarriages, make men impotent, turn girls into spinsters, tear husbands from their wives. Meanwhile, we talk about our peaceful society and delude ourselves that violence is a foreign disease. Because our violence can happen without guns or bloodshed, its beyond the law. (54) There is, however, also another pole, as she shows us both in the portrayal of Aisha herself, and in the long, reported speech of a political leader (32-36) whom she respects: a genuine and committed public concern. This may not be much in evidence, and it is greatly overshadowed by the contrary kind of behaviour, but it makes what would otherwise be an unconvincingly and unremittingly gloomy picture, balanced and believable. This is a most interesting text: tangy and (mentally) nutritious, like Moroccan cuisine. Abouzeid is a talent to watch. |
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