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LitNet is ’n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf.

Seminar Room is the LitNet think tank. Researchers can publish essays here before they are proposed to recognised academic journals. Lecturers can encourage senior students to submit outstanding essays or proposals.
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Interested in Afrikaans essays, articles and reviews? Click here

Please note this page is under construction. All the articles will be re-indexed shortly. Should you know of an article that needs re-indexing please contact


  • Sandra Swart: The Construction of Eugène Marais as an Afrikaner Hero - Journal of Southern African Studies. 30.4, Dec 2004

  • Jameson Maluleke: (Mis)leading with words to corrupt democratic South Africa

  • Paul Murray on editing Leipoldt, an interesting and versatile person

  • Rosemund J Handler discusses writing in South Africa, with a special emphasis on women's writing

  • Finuala Dowling shares her Cape Town Book Fair discussion on writing in South Africa

  • Cape Town Book Fair discussion on the editing process

  • Jameson Maluleke: Our ignorance, irresponsibility and laziness don’t reflect true African culture

    The end of underground?
    A new mini-seminar:
  • Melinda Ferguson: Chemical Illusion

  • Roof Bezuidenhout: From Voëlvry to Fokofpolisiekar

  • Fred de Vries: The Underground character; doomed or heroic?

  • Michael Titlestad writes: From Verloc to the Unabomber: modernist and post-modern versions of the underground

  • Sound Bites for a Derailed Democracy - Jameson Maluleke revisits protest language

  • Mike van Graan on Fokofpolisiekar: There are greater evils in our society for the church to rise up against

  • Seminar 19 April 2006: Is there still an underground? Or is it a dying phenomenon, associated with subcultures and repressive attitudes of days gone by?

    Stephen Watson accuses Antjie Krog of plagiarism in New Contrast. Read the responses of:
    Antjie Krog again: Last time, this time
  • Nèlleke de Jager
  • Eve Gray
  • Stephen Johnson
  • Antjie Krog
  • Annie Gagiano
  • Johann de Lange

    Your comments:

  • Ian-Malcolm Rijsdijk: The Boggle of the Google of My Skull

  • Colin Bower: The end of private ownership means the end of the publishing industry

  • Craig Mason-Jones: The Google of My Skull

  • Shaun de Waal: In response to Barbara Adair

  • Madame Lacoste: Literary polemics: Questions and answers; claims and responses

  • Barbara Adair: Speaking through the mask of culture

  • Willemien le Roux: To give true voice to those original poets

  • Mathew Blatchford: Sometimes one needs to wield a large chopper in defense of good sense

  • Helen Moffett: What if we don't want to take sides?
  • Rosalind Morris: On Watson, Krog and “plagiarism”
  • Mike Stevenson: LitNet bias?
  • LitNet response
  • Sam Raditlhalo: Krog should have been allowed to respond
  • Add your voice! E-mail
  • Ken Barris discusses bitter Afrikaners and their treatment in three recent South African novels: Damon Galgut's The Good Doctor, Achmat Dangor's Bitter Fruit and Troy Blacklaws's Karoo Boy

  • Jameson Maluleke puts The Da Vinci Code under the magnifying glass

  • Rustum Kozain on Afrikaans: Between liberating potential on the one hand and nationalism and Apartheid on the other. (20/10/05)
  • Gay debate in the Dutch Reformed Church: Who are the dominees to go against Jesus? (20/09/05)
  • Antjie Krog: Tribute to André P Brink on the occasion of his seventieth birthday celebration (12/07/05)
  • Max du Preez: Changing ideas of Afrikaner/white identity (12/07/05)
  • Richard Ballard: Assimilation, emigration, semigration, and integration: "white" peoples' strategies for finding a comfort zone in post-apartheid South Africa (24/03/05)
  • Jan Casno:
    The Bram Fischer debate: A revisit (13/01/05)

  • Rebecca J Davies: The global political economy and contemporary manifestations of Afrikaner identity in a post-apartheid era (09/02/04)
  • Still much to write about, say SA writers in London (22/10/04)
  • Yvonne Malan and Christoff Pauw: Afrikaner Dissidents - Bram Fischer and Beyers Naudé (15/10/04)
  • A Newshound's Reflections: Experiences, responsibilities and challenges of a sleuth (25/08/04)
  • The post-colonial writer: Non-commitment and the betrayal of the African revolution (08/07/04)
  • Julian Roup : Lost for words (24/05/04)
  • I, Johann Lodewyk Marais, a non-existent South African poet, introducing myself at UNISA, Pretoria, South Africa (26/03/04)
  • Michael Chapman: Response to a non-existent South African poet (26/03/04)
  • Michael Chapman: The Politics of Identity: South Africa, Storytelling, and Literary History (26/03/04)
  • Anton A van Niekerk: Philosophical Reflections on the Future as Dialectic between Ingenuity and Regularity (29/01/04)
  • Hermann Giliomee: The rise and fall of Afrikaner women
  • Russell H Kaschula: Southern African languages, Globalisation and the Internet
  • Herman Wasserman: Between the Local and the Global: South African Languages and the Internet
  • Carel Alberts: Orwellian vision of institutional peeking and private fantasies
  • SJ Neethling: An onomastic renaissance: African names to the fore
  • Norman Bernard: Correlating race and intelligence: a budget of fallacies
  • Herman Wasserman: Fear and Loathing? A report on first impressions of race and ethnicity in America
  • Jean Williams:
    Biblionef: Providing books for underpriviledged children

  • Annie Gagiano: The Asmara Declaration on African Languages and Literatures and its message to multilingual South Africa
  • Christine Campbell: Ramblings — Night Swimming
  • Reviews

  • Paul Murray discusses Raam en Rigting in die Politiek en die Storie van Apartheid by Japie Basson

  • Paul Murray reviews Politieke Kaarte op die Tafel; Parlementêre Herinneringe by Japie Basson

  • Russel Brownlee reviews The Forgotten Frontier a book which succeeds in "lifting a history from an undeserved state of obscurity"

  • Michelle McGrane revisits Patrick Süskind's classic novel Perfume, The Story of a Murderer

  • PR Anderson reviews This Carting Life by Rustum Kozain: "... a considerable and mature demonstration of a proper poet at work" (15/02/06)
  • Why would anyone choose to visit Antarctica? Arja Salafranca reviews Blue Ice, Don Pinnock's vivid experiences on the ice continent (01/02/06)
  • "... understatedly beautiful, unassuming and utterly moving." Deborah Steinmair reads District Six: An Ordinary Day (24/01/06)
  • Meg Samuelson reviews Blood Orange, part memoir, part fiction about growing up white in apartheid South Africa (14/11/05)
  • Arja Salafranca reads as South Africans recall their past in Childhood (11/10/05)
  • NS Zulu: The telling voices in Nadine Gordimer's Telling tales (05/10/05)
  • PR Anderson: "Graveyard confetti", a review of Killing Time, by Arthur Attwell (05/10/05)
  • Rampolokeng juggles language and reinvents syntax with the dexterity and ingenuity of a master magus (12/07/05)
  • Here is the dove-cow tethered to the clouds: Some reflections on Marguerite Poland's novel Recessional For Grace (03/12/04)
  • Alan G Morris reviews: The Bone Woman by Clea Koff (14/11/04)
  • "Beckett seems a little out of sync" -
    Ian Glenn reviews Beckett's Redeeming Features

  • "St Francis of the Ritz" -
    André Brink reviews Karel Schoeman's Die laaste Afrikaanse boek

  • Andries Oliphant on Coloured by History Shaped by Place: "A thought-provoking and timely publication"
  • "Herman Charles Bosman is back" -
    Peter Merrington reads Bosman's Jacaranda in the Night and Old Transvaal Stories

  • "A commendable book especially for non-Xhosa speakers"
    Russell Kaschula on Clicking with Xhosa / A Xhosa phrasebook

  • "Voices of the land" -
    Kobus Moolman reads: Weather Eye by Isobel Dixon

  • "A tribute to the youthful idealism of a lost generation" -
    Peter Merrington reads: The Gardens of Kyoto

  • Peter Merrington reads: The Extinction Club, a "novel with a built-in death-wish"
  • Marius J Swart reads: 50 Ways to a Healthy Heart by Prof Christiaan Barnard
  • Peter Merrington reads: Smoky Joe’s Café by Bryce Courtenay
  • "In the midst of such frenzied mayhem" - Stephen Debros reads: The Bang-Bang Club: Snapshots from a hidden war
  • Koos Kombuis reviews Who moved my cheese by Darrel Bristow-Bovey
  • "Beating the paralyses" - Pamella Maseko & Russell H Kaschula review Discourse in a Multilingual and Multicultural Courtroom: A court interpreter’s guide
  • "Unsung heroes in the face of horror":
    May Bleeker review Catch me a Killer by Micki Pistorius

  • Walter McKay reviews: My voice is under control now
  • Izak de Vries on Conflict of interest: "A heart-pounding read"
  • For relaxed reading and reviews click here and visit: NetReviews

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