Thought-provoking and playful exhibition
Bell-Roberts Contemporary Art Gallery
Opening: Tuesday 25 April at 18:00 Power Play is Johann van der Schijff's first solo show since completing his post-graduate studies in The Netherlands nine years ago. A six-month sabbatical from his position as lecturer in new media at the Michaelis School of Fine Art results in this thought-provoking and playful exhibition. New media theorist Lev Manovich suggested that making a choice involves a moral responsibility, and Van der Schijff takes this as his cue to examine power relationships in society. What he is aiming at in this exhibition is for the viewer to be forced into a position of choice in their engagement with the work ("shall I hit the blow-up doll / punch bag or not?").
The meticulous workmanship and finishes are important in the reading of the
work, and are aimed to emulate and appeal in the same way as objects in
designer-lifestyle shops or motorcar display floors. Production of the work
has been facilitated by computer-aided design and manufacturing techniques
with its roots in the military-industrial complex.
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