LitNet is n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |

Toast Coetzer
That mysterious old man, Rodriguez, recently played a handful
of shows in the Cape, two of which were in a packed Armchair Theatre in
Observatory. I was there on the Sunday night and witnessed some really special
tunes from the South African-made American legend. Although I'm familiar
with some of his material, I was surprised to find that there's real depth
and focus in all his songs, even ones I'd never heard before. How the hell
he slipped under the cultural radar in other countries I don't know. I suppose
sometimes people don't pay attention, and South Africans might've been so
starved of things in the early 80s that Rodriguez just arrived through a
crackly stereo at the right time to seem like a saviour.
PS. These pics originally taken on colour digital, but I turned them into
black and whites in Photoshop because the lighting was very red on the night
and didn't look good in colour. |

Click on the thumbnail for the full photo.
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