LitNet is n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |

Toast Coetzer
Lazarus is the first play from the pen of Patrick Cairns
(read some of Patrick's short stories
on NetFiction). Starring Ivan Abrahams (in the title role) and Thoko
Ntshinga (as his companion Dorcas), Lazarus takes you on a brief
journey around the minds and lives of two bergies on a random Cape Town
street corner. Lazarus has just been released from jail and Dorcas finds
him hung over as all hell and looking for his one shoe. They have breakfast
and the two swop stories of their exploits since they had last seen one
another. Lazarus claims that God has saved him, but Dorcas has her doubts.
Lazarus is one of those "small" plays with few props
and only the two actors, but their banter - which veers from hilarious to
introspective and accidentally illuminating in seconds - soon uncovers some
big issues (no pun intended) we encounter, and often deftly skirt, in our
daily city lives. The play is directed by Luke Ellenbogen.
Bookings: Call The Little Theatre on 082
577 3559. Lazarus runs until the 6th of
November 2005. |

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