LitNet is ’n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |

South African Theatres
Western Cape
Artscape Theatre Centre |
D F Malan Street, Foreshore,
Cape Town |
021 421 7695 |
www.artscape.co.za |
Barnyard Theatre |
1st Floor Willowbridge
Life Style Centre, 39 Carl Cronje Drive, Tygervalley |
021 914 8898 |
www.barnyardtheatre.co.za |
Baxter Theater |
Main Road,
Rondebosch, Cape Town |
021 685 7880 |
www.baxter.co.za |
Die Boer |
Durbanville |
021 97 91 911 |
www.dieboer.com |
Darling Station |
Darling |
022 492 2831/
022 492 2851 |
www.evita.co.za |
Dorpstraat Teater Kafee |
Dorpstraat 59, Stellenbosch |
021 88 66 107 |
www.dorpstraat.co.za |
HB Thom Teater |
Corner of Victoria & Andringa Streets, Stellenbosch |
021 808 3216 |
www.sun.ac.za/drama |
The Intimate Theatre |
37 Orange Street, University
of Cape Town, Hiddingh Campus |
021 480 7129 |
scole@hiddingh.uct.ac.za |
Kalk Bay Theatre |
52 Main Road, Kalk Bay |
073 220 5430 |
www.kbt.co.za |
Klein Libertas Teater |
Du Toit Straat, Stellenbosch |
021 883 8164 |
www.kleinlibertasteater.co.za |
Maynardville Open Air Theatre
Corner of Wolfe and Church
Streets, Wynberg |
021 448 7600
www.Maynardvilleopenairtheatre.co.za |
Off Broadway |
84 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town |
021 424 1194 / 95 |
www.offbroadway.co.za |
On Broadway |
Somerset Road, Green
Point |
021 41 88 33 8 |
www.onbroadway.co.za |
Old Mill Theatre |
Meul Street, Paarl |
082 688 5454 |
www.meulteater.co.za |
Spier Amphitheatre |
R310, Spier Wine Estate
Spier Amphitheatre
R310, Spier Wine Estate, Lynedoch, Stellenbosch |
021 809 1177 |
www.spierarts.org.za |
Theatre on the Bay |
1 Link Street, Camps
Bay |
021 438 3301 |
www.theatreonthebay.co.za |
Eastern Cape
Fresco Theatre
99 Frances
Road, Norwood |
011 483 2851 |
www.frescotheatre.co.za |
Johannesburg Civic Theatre Complex
Loveday Street,
Braamfontein |
011 877 6800 |
www.showbusiness.co.za |
Liberty Theatre On The Square
Nelson Mandela
Square, Sandton
011 883 8606 |
www.at.artslink.co.za/~tots |
Lungile Huisteater |
90, Poortview, Roodepoort
011 958 2936 |
www.lungile.co.za |
Market Theatre
56 Margaret
Mcingana Street (previously Wolhuter), Johannesburg |
011 877 6800 |
www.markettheatre.co.za |
Montecasino Theatre
Boulevard, corner William Nicol Drive and Witkoppen Road, Fourways |
011 511 1988 |
www.montecasinotheatre.co.za |
Breytenbach Theatre
137 Gerard
Moerdyk Street |
012 440 4834 |
www.tut.ac.za |
State Theatre
320 Pretorius
Street, Pretoria |
083 915 8000 |
www.statetheatre.co.za |
West End Theatre
Showgrounds, Souter Street |
012 327 8155 |
www.proformancetheatre.com |
University of Johannesburg Arts
Centre / UJ-Kunstesentrum
Cnr of Kingsway
and University Rd
(Ext of Beyers Naude Rd), Auckland Park |
011 489 3058 / 2269 |
www.uj.ac.za/artscentre |
KwaZulu Natal
Barnyard Theatre |
Gateway, Umhlanga Ridge |
031 566 3045 |
www.barnyardtheatre.co.za |
BAT Centre
45 Maritime Place, Small Craft Harbour, Esplanade, Durban |
031 332 0451
www.batcentre.co.za |
Catalina Theatre |
18 Boatman's Road, Whilsons Wharf, Durban |
031 305 6889 |
www.catalinatheatre.co.za |
Courtyard Theatre
Mansfield Road, Berea, Durban |
031 204 2532
about the theatre |
Kwasuka Theatre |
53 Stamford Hill Road, Greyville |
031 309 2236
www.kwasukatheatre.com |
Playhouse Drama Theatre |
231 Smith Street, Durban |
031 369 9555
www.playhousecompany.com |
If you know of any other South African theatres, drama departments or institutions,
please email their details to sharon@litnet.co.za
so we can update these lists.
LitNet: 06 June 2006
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