LitNet is n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |

The King of Laughter
Press release
The King of Laughter
A new comedy written and directed by Craig Freimond
Baxter Main Theatre until
10 Junie
Liberty Life Theatre On
The Square: 27 Junie - 5 Augustus |
Side-splittingly funny, The King of Laughter takes a hilarious look at how we find the laughter within ourselves. It is about the journey of two men, one old and one young, through the minefield of comic timing, which leads them both to the thing they don't have in their lives: humour. Starring James Borthwick, Wayne van Rooyen and Stacey Sacks, this award-winning play is about canned laughter, universal laughter, laughter therapy and well, just plain laughter!
Borthwick plays Barry Sutherland, a disgruntled, middle-aged sound technician who specialises in creating laugh tracks. Van Rooyen plays Jerome, an affirmative action appointee destined to take Barry's job. In order to save his retrenchment package, Barry is obliged to train Jerome in the subtleties of laughter. Chaos ensues as Barry also engages in a legal battle to protect his laughter collection from being stolen by the company. This brings him into conflict with the corporate ice queen Natasha, played by Stacey Sacks, and chaos reigns supreme.
Writer and director Craig Freimond has spent the better part of the past ten years of his working life involved with comedy in theatre, television and film. Most recently he co-conceived and directed the award-winning comedy series Sorted. His play Gums and Noses was adapted into the feature film which won the best South African Feature Film award at the 2004 Apollo film festival. The King of Laughter won three Naledi Awards in 2004, including Best New South African Play, Best Director (Craig Freimond) and Best Newcomer Award (Wayne van Rooyen).
The King of Laughter runs from Mondays to Saturdays until the 10th
June 2006.
Tickets range from R55 to R90 and booking is through Computicket
or 083 915 8000.
For discounted block, schools or corporate bookings, dinner/show packages, charities and fundraisers, please phone Sharon on (021) 680 3962 during office hours.
LitNet: 5 June 2006
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