The Naledi stars are out ...Press release
Theatre Managements of South Africa (TMSA) is proud to announce the names of the finalists for the 3rd annual Naledi Theatre Awards 2005 (Gauteng). The Naledi Theatre Awards ceremony will take place this year at the new University of Johannesburg Arts Centre on Sunday, 19th February 2006. This star-studded award ceremony will feature the presentation of cash awards and trophies to the winners in various categories, as well as Lifetime Achievement Awards, where the pillars of South African theatre will receive the recognition and the accolades they so richly deserve. MCs for the ceremony are award-winning actor Bill Flynn and TV personality Rosie Motene. Presenters of each category will be well-known personalities from stage and television. Entertainment is provided with highlights from popular shows featured during the past year, including Sophiatown, Chicago, Ama-Taps, 2 for the price of 1 and Captain Entertainment in Music and Mayhem. With just a month to go till this glittering event the finalists for the different categories have finally been chosen by the panel of judges – Zingi Mkefa, Christina Kennedy, Br Michael Burke, Carla Feldman, Cathryn Pearman, Christa Schamburger, Greg Homann, Helen Heldenmuth, Israel Nkati, Jakkie Groenewald, Jerry Raletebele, Luvuyo Kakaze, Lyle Britten, Paul Boekkooi, Peter Feldman, Robyn Sassen, Saint Seseli, Sandile Memela, Talia Rabinowitz, Thelma Machogo, Themba Kamathe and Theresa Leslie-Munchick, under the chairmanship of businessman Doug Maritz. Sponsorship for the various categories has been secured from companies and individuals, including Standard Bank, FNB, Vodacom, Computicket, Gallo Music Group, the State Theatre, Wits Performing Arts Centre, Wharfedale, Saturn Records, Teljoy, Prosound, Christopher Seabrooke and Percy Tucker. Support funding has also been obtained from BASA and the Gauteng Dept of Arts and Culture, while Virgin Airlines has, for a third time, donated 2 tickets to London for a lucky finalist. The Naledis cover all mainstream professional, live theatre productions that took place during the 12 months of 2005. The selection of finalists was made from 90 eligible productions that took place from January to December 2005. The nominations in each category are as follows: Best New South African Play Produced Acropolis Café by Irene Stephanou
Address Unknown produced by Pieter Toerien/directed by Alan Swerdlow
Big Dada produced by the Market Theatre/directed by Brett Bailey
Captain Entertainment in Music and Mayhem – Ian Von Memerty
Ama-Taps – producer Market Theatre/director Samson Mabuza
Ama-Taps – producer Market Theatre/director Samson Mabuza
Alan Swerdlow – Address Unknown
Baby Cele – Cards
Graham Hopkins – Address Unknown
André Samuels – Green Man Flashing
Charlotte Butler – Green Man Flashing
Arthur Molepo – Sophiatown
Abigail Petersen – Kat and the Kings
Andile Bonde – Big Dada
Arthur Molepo – Sophiatown
Alan Committee – TV or not TV
Annabel Linder – From Door to Door
Devlin Brown – Acropolis Café
Ashley Harvey – Sophiatown
Brett Bailey – Big Dada
Chantelle Curnes – Hostile Takeover
Declan Randall – Elephant
Des Lindberg and Alan Swerdlow – Ying Tong
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