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Homebru 2006 author: Shaun Johnson
Shaun Johnson is the author of The Native Commissioner, published by Penguin.
- What does it mean to you to have your writing recognised and
celebrated as "South African"?
A very great deal, as I am irretrievably South African, have devoured South
African literature all my life, and while doing other things always harboured
the hope of being some part of it. I’ve left it late to be so, but
am enjoying it hugely, nonetheless.
- As a South African writer / storyteller did you set out to
write a story South Africans will recognise as their own?
Yes, I’m sure that’s so, in my case in the belief that the
individual stories of the incredible miscellany of ordinary people of our
country – Everyman stories – should now come into their own
after what I think of as the “Struggle” and “Truth Commission”
periods of our literature. I really hope my story about The Native Commissioner
is one such story.
- What, to you, does a South African story encapsulate?
What I think it should encapsulate – or rather, what I thought I
was trying to do with mine anyway – is authenticity within a clear
understanding of that story’s own limitations.
- Is it possible for a South African's writing to be free of
political and historical influence?
Not for me, it isn’t. For others? I don’t know.
- Is there a writing community in South Africa, or is writing
in this country a solitary journey?
I am too new to fiction to know. I hope there is such a community; I certainly
enjoyed being part of the community of writing journalists when I was one.
- Who do you think is the most influential South African writer
today? And who is your favourite local author?
Terrible question, because I would like to make a long list. But forced,
in my own case, to name the two names that have most influenced me, they
would have to be JM Coetzee (from Dusklands all the way through), and JM
- If you could choose five works (fiction, non-fiction, poetry,
performance poetry, etc) from South African literature that would be able
to communicate the "South African experience", which five would you choose,
and why?
Again, five is unfair – why not 50, or 150? But among my personal
favourite 50 authors off the top of the head would have to be Coetzee, as
above, Bosman, La Guma, Fugard, Campbell. Why? Because they moved me greatly
at the times of my life that I read them. There are many, many others.
- Have you read any of the other Exclusive Books Homebru 2006
Not nearly enough of them yet, but the following so far, which I enjoyed:
Gem Squash Tokoloshe, Rachel Zadok; The White Africans,
Gerald L’Ange; and, although I haven’t bought it yet, I think
I know I am going to like Tom Eaton’s The De Villiers Code.
I also need a couple of days off because I particularly want to read The
Shadow Follows, A Quilt of Dreams (I have a soft spot for
Grahamstown), Body Bereft, Myth of Iron, Bitches’
Brew, Ice in the Lungs, Dancing to a Different Rhythm,
and Seven Battles. Maybe more than a couple of days off.
- What makes you a South African?
Braais, beers, rugby (and soccer and cricket), but also a sense of much
wider wonder at having been privileged to have lived through these strange
days on the southern tip of our continent..
- What is your favourite South Africanism?
The situation is vrot with danger.
Moenie ons Homebru 2006-kompetisie misloop nie!
Wen 'n lekker Suid-Afrikaanse boekpakkie!
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vind. |
LitNet: 16 May 2006
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