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Homebru 2006 author: Praba Moodley
Praba Moodley is the author of A Scent so Sweet, published by NB Publishers.
- What does it mean to you to have your writing recognised
and celebrated as "South African"?
It is indeed an honour and an opportunity for readers to learn more about our
lifestyle and culture.
- As a South African writer did you set out to write a story
South Africans will recognise as their own?
Yes, we have such a rich and varied heritage in this country and can learn
so much from reading.
- What, to you, does a South African story encapsulate?
Determination to overcome life's struggles.
- Is it possible for a South African’s writing to be
free of political and historical influence?
This country is so steeped in history that it will always find its way in whatever
type of genre one produces.
- Is there a writing community in South Africa, or is writing
in this country a solitary journey?
Writing per se is solitary, but I think the word solitary comes more into play
when one is trying to get one’s work published. It is a long, lonely journey
with many hurdles to cross. We definitely need support for writers of all genres.
In Durban Dr Deena Padayachee has put together a writers’ network which
lends support to writers.
- What makes you a South African?
Freedom of choice.
LitNet: 09 May 2006
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