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Homebru 2006 author: Greg Mills
Greg Mills is one of the authors of Seven Battles, published by NB Publishers.
- What does it mean to you to have your writing recognised and celebrated as "South African"?
A great deal. This is a very important part of our history, and I am pleased to be able to open it up to a wider audience.
- What was it that led you to write a book about this aspect of South Africa?
It came about as a result of a discussion with my co-author, David Williams, when we were on a visit to Zonderwater, the site of the old Italian prisoner-of-war camp. Given the impact of the Italian prisoners on South Africa and especially on its economy, we thought about the other battle which had an untoward impact on our history, not only our military history. So the book was born.
- Is it possible for one's thinking, and therefore writing, as a South African to be free of political and historical influence?
I think it is critical to acknowledge the role that history plays in our lives, and has played in shaping our politics.
- Is there a writing community in South Africa, or is writing
in this country a solitary journey?
No, I think that there is a burgeoning community of writers and very good ones at that! A more important question is: Is there a reading public out there and is that growing?
- What different (or similar) roles do fiction and non-fiction
play in constructing a South African experience/literature in 2006 and beyond?
I believe that there is a role for each; and the one often does (and should) inform the other.
- Do you think South African non-fiction has international
appeal? If so, can the same be said for unashamedly South African fiction?
Certainly our book, focusing as it does on battles with international participants and protagonists, will have international appeal. With both categories, the profile of South Africa helps to build a wider reading public.
- Who do you think is the most influential South African writer
today? And who is your favourite local author?
I enjoy Alistair Sparks immensely. He makes history relevant.
- What makes you a South African?
A concern for events beyond our borders, just as South Africa's transition was assisted by those outside with a similar concern.
- What is your favourite South Africanism?
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Wen 'n lekker Suid-Afrikaanse boekpakkie!
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LitNet: 10 May 2006
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