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Rondebosch Common
Kelwyn Sole
There are no lovers here. Just three goslings, stung to death,
and a dirty
Black South-Easter blown up out of nowhere
but if you come in, among white lilies and small, grudging orchids that
open their mouths in shock at spring, and step carefully to listen, through
the cloying din close on every side you may detect, if you’re lucky, the
mewling cat-call of a Longclaw.
Where you step provokes flickers of doubt at the extremity of your
vision: coalescing into Cabbage Whites or Autumn Widows, depending
on the season. Your dog selects the best spot to invest the yellow money
of its urine. Ticks which cannot believe their luck begin choosing
between the two of you as a means of transport.
And so not lifeless. All around, a dirge of traffic eddies between the
enclosing, scrummed-down houses of the bourgeois; those who keep
their gardens to themselves. A hospital. A school.
Call this unhabitual scruffiness, if you want. Or a simulacrum of the
natural. Whatever the case, there’s a possibility to squinny across open
space to where the mountain looms. For all our sakes, this area stays a
cipher, clothed sometimes in fire, sometimes in rain, but always with its
lustreless grass kneeling for mercy against the wind, the wind.
So what a terrible lunchtime it must have been, that pre-school fête,
one crippled and clumsy child no one liked strayed too far, then tried to
scale a pine to show he could … only to come a cropper with flailing
limbs, knocking against a bees’ nest on the way down.
Imagine: squeals of children; panicked mothers rear-ending prams into
each other in something that resembles road rage, swatting; and teachers
who bellow orders no one cares to listen to. And everyone with arms
upraised warding off sudden panic
as unbidden for once
the lives of beasts irrupt into their focus.
From Land dreaming: prose poems
(University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2006 forthcoming)
LitNet: 31 January 2006
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