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Richard Higgs
The night falls...
(No: the night comes crashing down on my vulnerable, exposed head)
The Vibrations wake
and in their wake
leave lingering confusions of harmonies
of the spheres
A sleeping Lover's skin, taught,
rank with bodynightmoisture
evokes all the Absent Lovers' absences
The night trips,
-gracious me!-
(The night is an armadillo:
She has a shining armour to protect her soft body parts -
Unlike humans, who leave their intimata
Within reach of sleeping Lovers' hands
Our armour is the daylight
That prevents such unspeakable intimacies)
The Absent Lovers cackle in their dreams
as they watch the night slip
...jealous of her grace.
Maybe they're jealous
Of a Callas cadenza
- (up to a top D-flat, every note perfectly executed, rallentando, ma non troppo)
Maybe not.
The night lapses,
on the Eve of the Apple
-we all have our wheelchairs: pretty curves and angles-
Her gravity ways
Are those of Orpheus the Newt
On the frets of the Absent Lovers' lyre
(There is a whole Nocturne of chiming Absent Lovers
In the breathing, heaving, chill present!)
The night cascades, births illegitimate children, tumbles, collapses,
it is the longest night
(the longest fall) - the solstice, the night of Absent Lovers' longest night
LitNet: 10 September 2004
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