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Thousand Cat Health Hazard Blues
Kerryn Potgieter
It's a beautiful night babe.
The moon's drunk and the stars are slurring.
There was a pile-up on the highway
But for once I wasn't in it.
I almost brought you flowers
But then imagined you laughing
So I brought you home a homeless guy instead.
Babe, all I've got left is my sick sense of humour
and that postcard that you sent me.
The picture's kind of faded
but the words are still there.
Good thing that I've forgotten how to read.
Chaining words to paper like that
just ain't right.
When I find my way out of this blind alley
I'll look you up.
Just as soon as I find my sense of direction
I'll be turning my toes towards you.
Ah babe, tonight's more beautiful than most.
The trains are almost on time
and on the platform a beautiful girl pretended
not to see me haggling with my dealer.
Somehow this love song's lost its thread.
Which is just as well because I don't believe in singing
unless it's for my supper.
I heard you laughing over the telephone wires.
And it nearly made me want to call you.
But then I remembered that the operator doesn't like my voice
so I painted you a letter instead.
But my wise-cracks were all lost in translation.
Whoever said a picture's worth a thousand words
never heard the thousand words I’ve got in mind
for and about you.
Ah babe...it's a beautiful night tonight
Most likely you’re dying for a cigarette
and I'm just dying for you.
And all the while this wind is howling
like a young and lonely winter.
The moon slept with some stranger
she picked up in a bar.
Even though it wasn’t me
It wasn’t your arms I woke up in.
That’s the real trouble with never sleeping.
Babe all I wanted to tell you is it's a beautiful night.
But I lost my inspiration
somewhere half way down this serenade.
It's just as well you never listen to a word I say.
It's the only reason that I tell you every thing I do.
LitNet: 08 November 2005
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