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34th Poetry International Festival

Mediterranean Poetry

June 14-20, 2003
Rotterdam City Theatre, the Netherlands

From June 14 until June 20 the 34th edition of the Poetry International Festival will take place. Some 35 poets from all over the world, including Inger Christensen (Denmark), Abbas Beydoun (Lebanon), Sergej Gandlevski (Russia), CO Jellema (the Netherlands), Miquel de Palol (Spain), Matthew Sweeney (Ireland) and Yorgis Pavlopolos (Greece), will be present. The central focus of this year’s festival is Mediterranean poetry: poets coming from nearly all of the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea will be present. During the festival, there will be a discussion about Mediterranean culture as the greatest common denominator of a divided area.

Featuring at the 34th Poetry International Festival:

  • Opening night presenting a parade of poems about the Mediterranean
  • Special programme dedicated to the Greek poet CP Cavafy
  • “Defence of Poetry” by Raoul Schrott (Austria)
  • International Poetry Slam!
  • Film-and-poetry Day
  • Homage to Martinus Nijhoff, a Dutch modernist who died 50 years ago
  • Special programme on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Gerrit Kouwenaar (the Netherlands)
  • Presentation of the C Buddingh Award for the best Dutch poetry debut.

    The programmes are accompanied by music, theatrical acts, film presentations, interviews, discussions and a book market. The poems that are read will be available in Dutch and English translation, making the events enjoyable for both a Dutch and a foreign audience.

    The Poetry International Festival is a major gathering of poets from every corner of the globe. It is the only festival dedicated to international poetry in the Netherlands, and the largest one in Europe. The presence of international poetry publishers, critics, representatives of international poetry platforms and magazines, and poetry translators, makes the festival an important meeting place.

    For more information, visual material or interviews, please contact:

    Ms Eefke Voeten
    Publiciteit / pr@poetry.nl
    Phone: +31 (0)10 282 27 77

    A free English programme guide will be available in the third week of May. At that time, a detailed programme of the festival can also be found on www.poetry.nl.

    See www.poetryinternational.org for more international poetry.

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