LitNet is n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |

Hilton night
Kobus Moolman
Above the black field that spreads
away far from us the moon hangs,
not yet full, but enough
for our hungry hearts, our hands:
yours so slender and white, almost
bright amongst the shadows and stones,
mine as gnarled as this tree
our backs rest up against and hard.
The sky is as vast as all our human
pasts, unrolled, rolled into one
moment infinitely happening in front
now and before, even surely
after us too. So much time
compressed there and so little
do we comprehend of our small
moments: moments such as when
your head gently rests against my breast
and I smell the damp on your red hair,
or when your voice snags against
something dark beneath the surface
of your eyes, past but not forgotten.
And the black field stretches away far from us
into the night, the mist that rises now
slowly there on the edge of the horizon
like dutiful forgetfulness.
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