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Michelle McGrane
you surprised,
no - terrified -
when i visited the hospital.
you'd committed yourself -
after all -
i'd thought you wanted
to get better.
sullen silence, anger, despondent tears,
i was prepared for any eventuality,
sharp-edged, smiling, anorexic resolve.
your body, turned cannibal,
is devouring itself.
i wonder, elf-girl,
where you find
the strength, determination,
to starve yourself
when there is
so little
of you left.
with shadowy satisfaction
you tell me
you are still
refusing to eat;
the nurses have threatened to
put you in "lock-up".
you proudly exhibit mutilation marks:
angry red welts, fluid-filled blisters,
sin-offerings, skin-offerings,
on bony wrists, on
your neck, for god's sake!
you've burnt patterns
on your skin
with a lighter.
your religion: concave stomach,
protruding bones;
offered prayers: laxatives &
dying to be thin,
an emaciated sacrifice
to a relentless god --
this crucified flesh is innocent,
it's the mind that is not.
LitNet: 3 December 2004 |
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