LitNet is n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |

Umgeni Road
Marí Peté
piesang transport
pakistani take away strictly halaal
surgery jj moodley dokotela
gearbox & diff exchange
mazinov house
space television
joosab’s supermarket
chacha’s pawn shop
nabibya’s fast food
jockey the next best thing 2B naked
it’s time to ruffle your feathers
we deliver
royal vulcanizing
minty’s mad tyres and mags
krash panel beaters
fatima’s famous foods
zak’s surprise butchery
bath&vanity surrounds
replacement body parts
fashion station
rust proofing
hansas body craft
port natal paint
bang bang payphones
azb halaal bunnies
mutton veg hot pies
living waters mission
swiss stone masons
sipsy’s hardware
d maharaj dental surgeon
free customer parking
local services only
phoenix motorglass
bamatshe amathuna
rega religious-cultural society
buy-a-brick: ticket R2
in aid of funds to build a hall
dear customer we apologise for any
inconvenience caused during
road construction, business as usual
crankshaft grinding block reboring
head overhauls canrod resizing
skim while you wait
gearboxes and difs
hot meals served
karam’s food we are moving
bhoola optician
mo’s centre
benji dog chunks taste and freshness
guaranteed factory prices
auto smash workshop
crazy special meaty bones
biltong hot chicken chaka laka
braai wors R2,99
prime cut meats special offer
boats rubber ducks jetskis & accessories
if not supply store
chappies take away
indawo ka dokotela
silveray tea room
fuck all you
brittania spares 4 africa
safety footwear gumboots & rainwear
daily soap
carlton strong … & gentle
For Allan Horwitz & Ike Muila, for introducing me to Isicamtho (tsotsitaal)
poetry (10 June 2004)
Previously published in Botsotso 13 and on the KwaZulu-Natal Literary Map
LitNet: 20 December 2005
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to Michelle McGrane for consideration.
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