LitNet is n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |

Peter Krummeck
is an innovative playwright whose works include:
Indaba (1979) which broke Apartheid rules by telling SA history from a pupil's perspective and brought the first-ever representative cast of school-kids to SA stage. It received a standing ovation at the Grahamstown Festival.
The Passion, which anticipated Mel Gibson's controversy by twenty years in terms of on-stage reality. Instead of changing the scenery, he moved the audience. Twenty-one seasons later...
Dear and Awkward Courage, which was the first SA television play to deal with the gay-issue.
Red George, which was the last of the SAfm 40-part daily radio series, but the first to cast to ethnic type.
Peter has also published poetry in the journals New Coin, Journeying, and Good Hope amongst others.
New you jeans (23/02/2005)
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