LitNet is n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |

thoughts upon visiting gaudis cathedral in Barcelona
dedicated, in retrospect, to the editors of die kerkbode
Koos A Kombuis
; the old are still with us
not for naught did they create such monsters,
gargoyles twisted like old ropes
distressed angels, loathsome popes -
the entire architecture of medieval vastness
where they plotted their hypocrisies
and whispered, like rats
around the corners
of decrepit castles
and holy shrines ...
they are still shuffling here today!
carrying their moth-eaten robes
down passages long forgotten!
they are still holding us to ransom with faded documents
, blood-spattered relics, unsmiling dogmas
and ugly myths
in these ancient shopping malls of broken dreams.
present they are
in the shivering of the bones upon the flesh,
in the curdling of the blood
at the sight of their idol
(o mighty two-headed beast!)
christ or satan
smirking underneath his secret hood.
all humanity conquered, all humour banished,
all enemies vanquished
and all love denied.
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