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The Funeral
Aryan Kaganof
I went to my own funeral
They were playing that celestial music
The notes rang out as time dragged down
I slowly climbed the stars
And every one of those stars was sound solidified
Like an organ made of stone
Then the coffin came into view
It was shining brighter than the Sun
But not quite as bright as the Moon
And I was unafraid 'cos I'd been here before
so many times and I knew I'd be coming back again
Then a woman started dancing
And I felt her rhythm
when it crawled up my feet
And became my rhythm too
We were both born in Gauteng
And the earth roared under our feet
I could see the sky through somebody's eyes
But the eyes were not my own
Then we stretched our umbilical cords
From the Hillbrow Tower to Devil's Peak
Where she played her silver bow
And every one of those notes rang true
And my heart stopped beating
'Cos I didn't give a damn
If I lived or died
All that mattered was her and her sound
As they lowered me into the ground
So say "c'est la vie" to the broken-hearted
Say "bon voyage" to the newly-weds
Always say "I love you" to the one
You wake up next to
But O my sweet little darling
Don't you ever say "forever"
Forever is a very short time
LitNet: 06 June 2006
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