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The RAU Student
Aryan Kaganof
It wasn't an affair and we weren't in love.
She stayed in my cottage for free
and sometimes let me in to her body,
That's all.
I wanted her to love me,
But her love never came.
I would make her breakfast:
Fried eggs, bacon, orange juice and coffee.
She would shuffle up to the house
Wearing slops and a chiffon nightie,
Her teeth still unbrushed, she would tuck into the food Ravenously,
and gulp down the hot coffee
Then sip on the juice.
When she was finished what I'd prepared for her
She'd make herself toast and more coffee
For both of us, then
She'd either go back to the cottage
Carrying the toast and the mug of
Steaming black coffee,
Or she'd remain seated.
If she remained seated I'd put on her favourite CD,
Flaming Lips,
peel off her nightie,
and get working on her nipples.
She enjoyed having her back stroked
Just above the great divide where her ass began.
I'd lick her nipples and stroke her back,
When she was ready I'd carry her into my bedroom and finish it for both of us.
She never said a thing.
She never did a thing.
Her orgasm signalled itself with the slightest
Of "oh"s.
We would lie next to each other in
Thick ripe silence
For a minute or two,
Before she'd get up and leave
Without looking back.
It wasn't the best sex.
It wasn't the worst.
She allowed me to do anything I wanted,
As long as she didn't have to do anything herself.
It wasn't an affair and we weren't in love.
She didn't pay rent,
Which saved her R1600 a month.
I didn't need a girlfriend,
Which saved me on headaches.
It was a good working arrangement.
LitNet: 10 September 2004
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