Tombstone Dues
Aryan Kaganof
I woke up at nine but stayed in bed
until after eleven
on the morning of
The Beginning Of The End.
I did not know it then
I was thinking about my baby,
how far away she was.
Then the phone rang, Big Al on the line
With a stolen car he wanted to sell me.
Thanks Al but Im not buying.
Then the phone rang again,
Eugene on the line with a stolen computer
He wanted to sell me.
Thanks Gene, but Im not buying.
All I really wanted to buy was a
Tombstone for my dead dads grave.
Nobody in Joburg had a stolen
Tombstone to sell me.
Mannie The Kishke did some calls,
got me the cheapest deal on a brand new Tombstone.
I didnt bother showering, walked slowly
down to Four Ways Mall in socks and sandals.
Deposited R4261,44 into Mannies account
Filled in the depositors name and/or reference
With the Tombstone Dues.
By now it was after twelve, Yahoo was down
so I walked along Granite Road up to the Spa,
turned right into Uranium. Stopped in at Exit
Redemption where Bonnie Prince Billy gave me a Coke
for free. Then I footed it back through to
Fourways Crossing, caught Boxcar Willies
eye at the escalator. He was looking for work
but I hadnt any. Gave him two rand.
Continued walking.
There was the smell of veld fire in the air,
the sound of sirens. I carried on walking.
Round the corner at the Pine Slopes Spa
theres Blind Willie Johnson again. This time
hes got a number to call for work
depressionist painting. No phone to call on.
His buddies in a throng, milling around.
I said, cmon, lets go phone at the BP.
When we got to the BP I broke a twenty,
phoned Anne Boleyn with my best voice on;
told her Willie Wonka was reliable.
She said shed give him R60 a day for diverse
painting and odd jobsing. Then the five of us
went for a celebration at Colonel Saunders
Drive-Thru Funeral parlour.
It was Willie Bobo and Harrison Ford
and Frank Harris and SBusiso the Zulu and me.
I took their names down in my little black book
where I keep all the information for the Big Guy.
Then I heard a laugh from the table adjacent.
Sweet voice from heaven said
take my name too.
Her name was Emma.
She hadnt read Jane Austen yet,
but shed seen the movie.
It must have been 2:30pm when we met.
Her mother came to fetch her at three.
I left Kentucky, waved goodbye to Willie,
Harris, Frank and SBusiso the Zulu.
Walked home.
Got a call from Mannie The Knuckle
Thanks for the money.
Then he said,
a plane
of the
I looked at my clock.
It was three fifteen, Joburg local time.
I was glad I didnt have a tv.
I slept for a while.
Got up at five.
Walked back to the Spa
bought a bottle of Simonsvlei Shiraz,
drank it until it was empty.
Started a fire with scraps of furniture.
Listened to the radio.
Got a call from my baby in Boston.
She was crying.
Whole world is busy killing and dying.
Called her back,
told her she had a man she could rely on.
Its funny how everything banal takes on
symbolic meanings
when the worlds about to end.
I sat down and typed this story.
Hey Big Guy,
dont forget Ive paid my Tombstone Dues.
Got the slip to prove it.
LitNet: 19 May 2004
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