LitNet is n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |

Helen Janse van Rensburg
I was born in 1982 in the Freestate and have since been moved between
every town, city and province in South Africa. I guess this is why I see the whole of South Africa as my training ground. I'm currently living in Johannesburg but will be moving to Cape Town at the end of the month. I've been writing English and Afrikaans poetry and short stories since I can remember, and my room is filled with old scrap books and journals bursting at the seams. I completed my BA degree in scriptwriting and directing in 2003 and my BA in English literature and creative writing in 2004. I will be taking on an Honours degree in English over the next two years. I have worked mainly in the entertainment industries, including television and theatre. I worked in the States for four months as a theatre instructor for a girl's camp where I wrote and directed several plays. I worked as a presentor for a children's channel for the past ten years. Maybe I never really want to grow up, but I've now decided to move on to the next frontier. In Cape Town I will continue pursuing my dream of becoming a uniquely interesting writer in the fields of film, print and stage.

New Airport (05/04/2005)
Run (26/11/2004)
Mine (26/11/2004)
Three: She, He, Us (26/11/2004)
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