LitNet is n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |

Joan Hambidge
Arte poetica
Homage à Neruda
In the afternoons when the bodies
of lovers become one in holy hosty,
whores pawn their bodies,
when priests lose their faith slowly and surely,
women lament over abortions or signed-off children,
when mothers sigh over rebellious kin,
young sons strive against the fathers power,
and activists move underground,
the poet becomes one with the sacrament
of the word. Or not so?
No, the poet experiences something
of the ecstasy of love, the unscrupulousness of a whore
(anything but anything for the poems sake),
the desperation of the once oh so religious
person calling His God but hearing him
no more (like a poem in a desert),
the lonely lament of a woman,
for whom the bell tolls annually, reminded
of a non-commemorative, non-happy birthday
moment (a voice smothered in a plastic bag),
a child who ends up on the front page
or in a cell, a father who listens,
but fails to hear, and the activist
calling out: A luta continua!
A lifeless poem commits suicide.
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