LitNet is n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |

Caroline Esterhuizen
I grew up in Durban - all my most treasured sensorial history being
a part of the green hills of KwaZulu-Natal and the specific vegetation and
colours and sounds of Durban and the coast. I rejoiced in an Arts degree
at UND and qualified as a high school teacher of English and Drama. After
eight years of teaching at a delightful school in northern KwaZulu-Natal
and going through the magnificent motions of getting married, having babies
and growing up, I moved to Cape Town with my little family in 2000. Since
then I have sought out a variety of projects. I launched myself - as I am
prone to doing - into the wild notion of self-publishing a poetry journal
for young people. Froggy Press was started in October 2004 and has enjoyed
a "wonder"-fully organic growth over the last year and a bit (see www.froggypress.co.za).
new My Father's teeth (12/07/2006)
Sympathy (30/05/2006)
To the Man Three Behind Me in the Queue (30/05/2006)
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