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Angifi Dladla
To this day
the smell of liver
takes me back
back to that Easter night
that betrayed me
into a double murder.
He was alone that Sunday,
my stepfather, alone
with himself
cooking, cooking …
“Why did I come here?”
In my childhood
when they visited my grandmother
it was heavy
in the presence of my stepfather.
My shoulders caved in,
I bristled.
My heart drummed madly,
I sweated.
In the absence of Grandma
when they forced me to say "Pa",
my tongue knotted.
I cried … in the toilet.
I was alone with him
that draining night.
I thought of dashing out
to Mamelodi. No transport.
Perfunctory enquiries ...
In the living room,
I took my Olivetti
and typed meaninglessly.
I could hear him humming
a church tune. It wafted with the aroma
of liver, tomatoes, onions,
through the house.
I was hungry.
Minutes later he brought in
the steaming dish …
I could hear him chewing daintily,
coughing and humming at intervals.
His cough did not chime with flu.
Then he shuffled to his bedroom.
As I took the spoon
a voice came from nowhere,
“Do not eat this food!”
The spoon fell. Its clink
stuttered under the table.
Dazed, I looked around.
Again the voice,
“Do not eat this food!”
And I obeyed.
I picked up the spoon
and played at eating.
Though coughing, the man
heard clearly the hard labour
of the spoon and the tongue.
I scooped the pap
and shovelled it to the liver.
I scooped the juicy liver
and dished it to the pap.
Waiting for some seconds,
I resumed deceit
till scraping time.
Then I went to Rex
and Terreblanche;
but I was hungry,
dizzily hungry.
Early in the morning
I went back to Katlehong
to pack my bags for the boarding school.
Winter holidays;
stepfather land. My eyes
landed on eternal winter;
a desert winter in the dogs’ place.
“Something devilish
messed up their stomachs,”
said my mother abstractedly,
“We tried this, we tried that …”
I could see Rex and Terry writhing,
rolling, slithering in blood
and on oozing lumps.
I left them there, left
them intact, left
for good. I left
in tears with the living
wound …
LitNet: 30 August 2006
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by Angifi Dladla
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