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Kwaito 2
Mphutlane Wa Bofelo
Bumper to bumper
Fast move kgozi
Ha o tshela lekwa o tshepe terese
Jacarumba clever spy
Pheleme, Stoop Roller way
Hit and run, loop & Val
Tsamaya ke a tla
Koloi ya bakgatla
Ha e duma eya tsamaya
Stapia all ways late
Mellow yellow after the fact
Gatta stasie, Dagval statement for fokkol
Mo cleveni famba moyeni
Kagas, gado lefokolodi la dithotha
Staffrider, Sharp-sharp sparapara
Welewele two-five, molomo no rest
Clever mqhaka
Show off, wallet on the market
Matwetwe kusheshe
Two fingers khalamaphipha, sala macardbox
Dlala ngekepana chaff kop pozi
Doelas safe & secure machafong
Crocket & Jones, Piano & shoe shine
Touch and move montola ngwana
Two beers-one glass Khipha moya,
Khuluma Mali, lahla Skhebi
Dlala pappamnyobo
Friday night
Jiet van die jietas
“Pick up the empties, fill up the table”
Uguluva uringangewallet
Umfaziuyakhala, abantwanabalambile
Amarolon adlaumccdonald
Saturday jumptyd
Kant en kant is blou
Ngaphanangapha kuntswembu
Iskhathiseshwabene, umzamuawukho
Zaka haba, credit fokkol
Geen skyf op n’ moegoe se twak
Izoll hayikho, amakop uphelile amajaja afunaimali
Amatsatsa ashayihooter, abo-baby balahliside
Umfaziungalile, umashonisaufanaimaliyakhe
Abo-saambench abekho, u-accuse number two uphandasomewhere
No more fill up the table pick up the empties
Uclever spy ucula when days are dark friends are few
I-worry iphenduka I-anxiety
Chaff kop, madala hostel
Shake-shake ugoloko
‘Umqombothi, takunyisa, khwekhwe, phumasbhethane
Pine-apple, magasmane, mingle moes masala
Mence-mence kulelo verse siyajika:
“Uyezi Jesu \ alleluia amen”
U Matwetewe ukhipi’ frustration
Sunday afternoon
Swore backside, running bladder
Trillion headaches
Bloody toothache plus n’ moer se babelas
Kwaito lawaai next-door
Gospel music sabc TV,
Umshumayelo emsakazweni
Amazioni drums back opposite
Umamazala novader bafikile
Uguluva ukhipha I okapi
Monday morning
Vuka sboshwa akulalwa ejele
No wake no sleep
No bottle no tin open
No shake-shake no skyf
No zoll no fuss
No bail no fine
Gweba clever mantji
Spuit kom agter
LitNet: 23 August 2006
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