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Welcome to us
Mphutlane Wa Bofelo
Hi my name is George
I am a petrol attendant
And my surname is Bush
Today I am doing duty at immigration
Welcome to our country
For your personal and international security
We shall thoroughly examine all
Documents from the letter to the dot
Up to the undotted “I” to the unclear “T”
Our microscopic eyes shall scan
The body from the head to the toe
Particularly the eyes and the nose
Never mind the ears and the hands
Take note of the lips
The texture of the hair
And the length of the beard
We do not mean to inconvenience you
But for yours and the world’s security
We have to scrutinize everything
If your Identity Documents don’t tell much
We will examine your eyes
If your eyes are quiet
We will interrogate your dress
If your dress say nothing
We will ask for the visa
If there is nothing wrong with the visa
We may have to have to look at your beard carefully
Welcome to our shores
We apologise for holding you for so long
We could not find a problem with your passport
Though your facial appearance raised an eyebrow
Your eyes were not suspicious
Your nose is not so flat
But your lips are way too thick
Your accent was not so clear
Your beard is the right size
But your sense of fashion is a cause for concern
Nevertheless welcome to our country
Please do visit our clothing shops
Or enter the internet café
And click on www.gucci.com
To give yourself a safe look
Perhaps a bit of shaving will do
These are but propositions
You have a choice to look unsafe
This is the democratic world
Once more you are welcome to the home of democracy
LitNet: 23 August 2006
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