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Marion Baxter 1945-2002
spent much of her childhood in Zambia and Zimbabwe. She later had
a long and varied working life: as an English teacher in township classrooms
in the Ciskei and Eastern Cape, as a publications assistant in Cape Town,
and as a secretary in a Pietermaritzburg industrial concern and bookshop.
She found a home in Grahamstown in later life, where she worked for Andrew
Tracey at the International Library of African Music. She then edited the
Icthos newsletter for Rhodes University's JLB Smith Institute and
went on to edit publications at the Institute for the Study of English in
Marion won the Cosmo/Vita short
story award in 1995, and her short stories and poems were featured in various
publications, including New Coin. Her stories and poems are all based
on experiences and people in her "home territory" of the Eastern Cape. She
was featured in Juta's recent Writers of the Eastern Cape anthology,
which was published late in 2003.
Leaving behind a large body of
unpublished material, and two sons, Marion succumbed to breast cancer on
21st July, 2002. Her son Gareth Pike is now working through his mother's
many unpublished manuscripts, from which these poems were selected.
Waiting for Spring (18/05/2005)
Falling Back (18/05/2005)
Untitled (18/05/2005)
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