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The Bride
Allan Kolsi Horwitz
She is the bride of allah
The bride of jesus
She is the bride of elohim the king of hosts
Of rocks and temples
She is the bride of a man who does not appreciate her; he ignores her
She is the bride of a man who honours her; he smiles with respect
She is the bride of a man who loves and desires her; he treasures her beauty
She is the bride of a man who defiles her; he claims she wants to be raped
She is the bride of a man who adores her but is impotent; he buys her gifts
She is the bride of a man who deserts her; he is a serial philanderer
She is the bride of a man who wills her to die; he is disturbed by her power
She is the bride of a man who makes her bear child after child; he sees her
expanding his influence
She is the bride of a man who shares the household duties; he is cheerful
She is the bride of a man who will not let her work outside of the house; he
fearful of her independence
She is the bride of a man who supports her; he is generous
She is the bride of a man who belittles her: he is hunched and unsure with
She is the bride of a man who kisses her and holds her hand in the street
She is the bride of a man who slaps her in front of her family
She is the bride of a man who brings her to joyful conception
She is the bride of a man who forces himself on her without warning
She is the bride of allah
The bride of elohim
The bride of krishna
She is the bride of jesus
She is my bride and I will try to defy the gods
LitNet: 20 December 2005
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