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Win tickets to see Exits and Entrances at the Baxter Theatre

We have 4 double-tickets to give away. Tickets are only available for the 8 pm show on the evening of 17 November at the Baxter Theatre in Cape Town.

Here's how to win!

Send an email to and tell us who wrote the play Exits and Entrances - it's as simple as that!

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Exits and Entrances at the Baxter Theatre

Press release

Production: Exits and Entrances
Written by: Athol Fugard
Directed by: Janice Honeyman
Design by: Saul Radomsky
Lighting by: Mannie Manim
Cast: Sean Taylor and Jason Ralph
Dates: Low-price previews at the Baxter Theatre Centre on Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 November. Opens Friday 18 November and runs until 10 December.

Following its seasons at the State Theatre in Pretoria and the Market Theatre in Johannesburg, Athol Fugard's highly acclaimed Exits and Entrances returns to the Baxter Theatre Centre from 16 November to 10 December.

Sold out here in its final week and back by popular demand, Fugard's tribute to his mentor, André Huguenet, is ideal to usher in the summer. Referring to it as his "small play" he says: "André was very important to me in terms of my awareness of theatre. The fact that he was a visionary might well have been the provocation that I needed to formulate a vision of my own."

The Cape Times proclaimed: "Spellbinding performances … this is a play you simply can't miss", while the Pretoria News called it "… an exhilarating experience. One can only salute Fugard for this phenomenal play", and The Citizen declared: "One of the most hotly anticipated theatre events of the year."

Exits and Entrances is a showcase of Fugard's relationship with Huguenet, who gave him his first job, casting him as a shepherd who clings to the ankles of Oedipus (played by Huguenet). It is a tender portrait of an actor in decline. The play focuses on the exit of Huguenet - at the end of his creative life - and the entrance of Fugard, just starting his career as a playwright.

No stranger to Fugard's work, celebrated director Janice Honeyman (Oom Wanja / Uncle Vanya, Nothing But the Truth, Twaalfde Nag, Show Boat) has cast Sean Taylor as the ageing actor André Huguenet and Jason Ralph as the young playwright.

Taylor, who now lives in Sydney, Australia, is well known for his roles in the local '80s television hit series Barney Barnato and The Syndicate, as well as for his stage performances in A Midsummer Night's Dream, King Lear and Skyf. He last performed at the Baxter Theatre in Equus in 1999, just before leaving South Africa.

Ralph, who has played Fugard before, also performed in a production of Skyf and was recently seen in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Set in Port Elizabeth and Cape Town in 1956 and 1961, the intimate, two-character play chronicles the friendship between the young, idealistic playwright and the older actor struggling unhappily to find meaning and dignity in his fading career.

André Huguenet, who was known at one time as the Laurence Olivier of the South African stage, was found dead in his sister's home in 1961.

Fugard, 74, who now lives in California, was named "the greatest active playwright in the English-speaking world whose plays are produced with a frequency second only to Shakespeare" by Time magazine in 1989.

Top South African designer Saul Radomsky (Poison, Kat and the Kings) is responsible for set and costume design, with lighting design by the multiple award-winning Mannie Manim. Manim, director of the Baxter Theatre Centre, is very proud of his long-standing working relationship and friendship with Fugard.

"My association with Athol as lighting designer and producer started in the '70's with Boesman and Lena and People are Living There at the Alexander Theatre. Since then I have lit and produced all the South African productions of his plays here," says Manim.

This production celebrates the first Baxter production to travel to Johannesburg since another Athol Fugard classic, "Master Harold"… and the Boys, played at the Liberty Theatre on the Square in April 2000.

What the critics have had to say:

  • "This is a play you simply can't miss." - Cape Times.
  • "Conceived as an ode to his mentor and idol, the late Andre Huguenet, the play is exquisitely written." - Sunday Times.
  • "If you love theatre, this is one of those magic experiences." - Pretoria News.
  • "Exits and Entrances is an exhilarating experience. One can only salute Fugard for this phenomenal play." - Pretoria News.
  • "One of the most memorable performances seen on a Cape Town stage." - Cape Times.
  • "For quality theatre that'll remain with you for days afterwards, Exits and Entrances comes highly recommended." - The Citizen.

Book through Computicket or the Baxter Theatre on (021) 680 3989.
For school and block-bookings, charities, dinner/show packages and fundraisers, please contact Sharon on (021) 680 3962.

LitNet: 08 November 2005

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