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Commission meets to discuss youth participation in the Western Cape
Statement by the Western Cape Youth Commission
The Western Cape Youth Commission yesterday called a dialogue meeting
with the Premier of the Western Cape, Premier Ebrahim Rasool, and other
stakeholders regarding the participation of white youth organisations in
programmes and events of civil society and the public sector.
The meeting was called for by the Commission in response to various
claims during the month long programme of commemorating 16 June 1976,
that young people from particularly white communities do not want to
participate in the public arena.
Although the Commission rejects any claims of apathy among young people
from white communities, the Commission has seen the need to establish
working relations with organisations that work mainly with and in white
communities, in order to broaden its dialoguing initiatives to all
communities and gain an understanding of the variant issues of young
The meeting was joined by various young role-players and youth
organisations from the religious, cultural, media and business sectors.
The Commission declared its intention to further increase and broaden
youth participation in development in all communities amidst any
remaining divisions that may still exist between young people from
different backgrounds and persuasions - thereby giving effect to its
legislative mandate to inculcate unity among all youth in the province.
The Commission indicated its intention to deliberately initiate
dialogue on societal issues between young people from different
cultural, religious, political and racial backgrounds in order for all
communities to participate in shaping our future society and together
deal with the destructive legacies of our history. The Commission
expressed the need for youth to harness the legacy of significant
leadership from the youth of 1976, and continue the movement to build a
free and democratic society for all.
The meeting discussed various pertinent themes on establishing
significant dialogue between communities, as well as on particular
concerns that young people have.
The meeting was in agreement that all organisations and volunteer
initiatives should participate in the programme of social dialogue that
the Commission launched this past Monday. Honest and robust discussion
on many issues must be engaged in and the meeting expressed the view
that youth from white communities are willing to participate in this
regard. Organisations such as the Afrikanerbond and the Voortrekkers
also gave a clear indication that these organisations fully support an
initiative to build all communities, and expressed the need for
partnerships in development initiatives.
The meeting was also in agreement that white youth are positive about
contributing to developing South Africa and are already extensively
involved in local community initiatives. The meeting further highlighted
the critical focus on education and the provision of recreational
facilities for young people in poorer communities. The meeting also
expressed concern about the levels of violent crime in the country.
The meeting expressed frustration with the continued use of racial
categories as a basis for interaction and called for a move to African
and South African identity in public discourse. Calls were also made
regarding the need for clear information and education on the purpose
and need for affirmative action policies.
The Commission welcomed the various inputs from role-players and
organisations and called for continued dialogue regarding the
development agenda as well as issues of identity and history. The
Commission further called on the meeting to support and roll out the
vision of a Home for All in local communities and youth organisations.
Vincent Domingo, Chairperson: 083 274 9560
Rudi Buys, Commissioner: 082 448 5984
LitNet: 5 July 2006
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