LitNet is n onafhanklike joernaal op die Internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en Media24 bedryf. |

Notes from Michael Olivier's Kitchen Table
Food and Wine giveaway!
A restaurateur remembers,
a beautifully illustrated and designed book by Michael Olivier,
has captured the very essence of local cooking and food.
In it Michael takes the reader on a lively and engaging ramble through
a lifetime that has revolved around food and wine, people and places.
As a new year treat the publishers, Double Storey,
are giving away two copies of this must-have
food book!
Click here
to find out more about the book and how to win
it! |
Olivier trained at the London Cordon Bleu Cookery School
and is a well-known Cape food and wine fundi. Michael has worked in and
managed such well-known places as Lanzerac Hotel in Stellenbosch and was
Public Relations Manager for the top marque wine estate Boschendal. Having
run three restaurants - Paddagang in Tulbagh, The Burgundy in Hermanus and
Parks in Constantia - and featured in the national top ten restaurants,
he is now a food and wine writer, broadcaster and hospitality industries
consultant, both locally and on a project in Western Australia. Michael
also imports specialist cookery equipment. His book Michael Olivier -
a Restaurateur Remembers is published by Double Storey Books. His day
job is that of wine and food consultant and trainer to Pick 'n Pay, a national
supermarket chain. |
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