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WordFest 2005 Programme
This year's theme: South Africa: Fusion, Fission or Fantasy.
All events are FREE and all take place in venues in the Eden Grove Building,
Lucas Avenue, Rhodes campus.
Put a couple of pages of your writing into the WordBox in the bookshop the evening
before if you want to attend a morning workshop.
Events Wednesday 6 July
16:30-17:00 Tea-time with the authors: meet the Wordfest authors
over a cup of tea or coffee with a slice of famous choclate cake.
17:15-18:15 The Wordfest Symposium: Martin Welz editor of
Noseweek and Gavin Stewart, former Daily Dispatch editor and
professor of journalism on media freedom in South Africa, the openings, closures
and threats.
18:30 - 19:30 Poetry Presentations: "The Poetry of Spirituality".
Sarah Johnson, Shabbir Banoobhai. Two traditions in harmony.
19:30 till 21:00 Readings Deep South and substancebooks. Launch
of new books by Paul Wessels, Nadine
Botha, Joan Metelerkamp and Lesego Rampolokeng then open to the floor.
Thurs 7 July
10:00-12:00 Young Reader Buzz: The Daily Dispatch
and Wordfest give young people a chance to experience the fun of words.
10:00-11:00 Creative writing workshop: Editing your own writing,
poetry and prose, with Robert Berold.
11:00-11:45 Morning book launch & talk: Tom Eaton. Mutterings.
Launch of first book by humorous and insightful columnist.
13:00-14:00 Lunchtime with the authors. Grab a bite to eat
at the Readers' and Writers' restaurant and meet the authors.
15:00-15:30 Book launch and talk Verenia Keet. Colored Hill.
Vivid view of SA life.
16:00-17:00 Tea-time book launch & talk withGus Ferguson.
Waiting for Gateau.
16:30-17:00 Tea-time with the authors: Meet the Wordfest authors
over a cup of tea or coffee with a slice of famous carrot-cake.
17:15-18:15 The Wordfest Symposium: Matthew Lester: Tax
and Words. Tom Eaton: Sport and Words.
19:30 till 21:00 Open mike launch of first volumes by four
new EC poets: Ingrid Andersen, Crystal Warren, Mzwandile
Matiwana and Rosamund Stanford then open to the floor.
Friday 8 July
10:00-12:00 Young Reader Buzz: The Daily Dispatch
and Wordfest give young people a chance to experience the fun of words.
10:00-11:00 Creative writing workshop: Editing your own writing,
poetry and prose, with Robert Berold.
13:00-14:00 Lunchtime with the authors: Grab a bite to eat
at the Readers' and Writers' restaurant and meet the authors.
14:00-16:00 Wordfest Gala Event: Launch of Xihlovu Xa Vutivi
(Fountain of Knowledge) publishing project by Minister Pallo Jordan and Mgangatho
of Words Gone Two Soon, a volume of tributes to the late Sello K Duiker
and Phaswane Mpe edited by Mbulelo Mzame with essays by Eskia Mpahlele and others
16:00-17:00 Tea-time: Book launch & talk Brian Gaybba.
God is a Community. Comprehensive overview of Christian theology.
17:15-18:15 The Wordfest Symposium: Luli Callinicos and William
Gumede on their biographies of Tambo, Mandela and Mbeki.
19:30 till 21:00 Open Mike. Last chance to share your words
with the festival.
LitNet: 06 July 2005
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