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ISBN to change worldwidePress releaseThe well-known and unique 10-digit identifier for books, International Standard Book Number (ISBN), is going to change to a 13-digit number. This takes effect 1 January 2007. Every system, electronic and manual, will need to accommodate the ISBN-13 by 2007. Publishers, distributors, retailers and libraries are the main user groups affected by the change. The change impacts on software such as automated ordering systems, inventory control systems, point-of-sale software and library databases. The main reason for changing the ISBN was to increase the numbering capacity of the ISBN system. As a result of electronic publishing and other changes in the print industry, the numbering capacity of the ISBN system is being consumed at a much faster rate than was originally anticipated in the late 1960s. Changing to a 13-digit number will prevent the system from running out of numbers. With the inclusion of the 3-digit 978-prefix that identifies the book industry, ISBN-13 will be identical to the EAN 'Bookland' bar code. Two prefix ranges, 978 and 979, will double the numbering capacity of the ISBN system, as was explained by Michael Healy, convener of ISO TC46/SC9/WG4 in his October 2004 address to the ISBN-13 in SA task team. Other changes recommended to accompany the adjusted 13-digit ISBN include a specified ONIX-compliant metadata set, permission to charge for ISBNs and establishing a new international ISBN organisation which is owned, funded and governed by local ISBN agencies. The new standard has gone through the applicable voting stages, and it is envisaged that the new standard, also the most important supporting document ISO 2108: Information and Documentation * International Standard Book Number (ISBN), 4th ed., will be published during the first quarter of 2005. A transition period of two years will follow. The International ISBN Agency's Guidelines for implementation, and its Users' Manual are two supplementary sources to consult during this time. General software programmes to assist with ISBN conversions will be available, as well as software releases from various system vendors to accommodate both 10-digit and 13-digit ISBNs. In South Africa the responsible body for ISBN-13 is the national ISN Agency at the National Library of South Africa, Pretoria. A task team, ISBN-13 in SA, was convened during April 2004. It meets on a bi-monthly basis, consists of representatives from the book publishing and related industries, and will guide the South African implementation process. For relevant, important information sign on to the official ISBN-13 web site: http://www.nlsa.ac.za/isbn13.html. The National Library of South Africa is the national depository of the published output of the country. It holds the key collections of the South African documentary heritage, and makes these accessible through its work as the national bibliographic agency, done according to international and national standards. For further information regarding ISBN-13 in South Africa,
please contact Tienie de Klerk: tienie.deklerk@nlsa.ac.za.
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