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Book publishing grants for Africa
Centre for the Book
The Community Publishing Project (CPP) was launched in August 2001 by the Centre for the Book and NB Publishers in Cape Town. It has opened up entry points into publishing, making more openings for new and marginal voices.
Commercial publishers can't always justify the publication of books that would probably only have limited markets, especially in a country like South Africa where the book-buying market is very small. A project such as this makes possible the publishing of more marginal works.
Books already published:
- The first is a book of Xhosa folk tales and songs written and published by Kholeka Sigenu from Queenstown, who is a member of Bhala, the national Xhosa Writers Group. The book is called Ezakowethu, and is available directly from the publisher at R30 excluding postage costs. You can order the book from P O Box 1763, Queenstown, 5320. The book is suitable for children and adults.
- The second book is a collection of stories told by disabled women from Khayalitsha. The book is titled, On the Road of Hope. This book is available from the Disabled Peoples project of SA (DPSA), for R50 including postage and handling costs. Tel: 021 422 0357, Fax: 021 422 0389 and email: wc@dpsa.org.za
- The third is an anthology of stories in Afrikaans by members of the Afrikaanse Skrywersvereniging, called Palawer van die Woord. You can order it from Willem Fransman at tel: 021 937 3029 and fax: 021 931 7810 or email: wf2@gerga.sun.ac.za. It costs R45 including postage and handling.
- The fourth is an anthology of writings in Xhosa, by members of Bhala in the Umtata region of the Eastern Cape. The book is called Qomani and is available from Mandla Matyumza at tel/fax: 047 535 8367 or email: matyumza@intekom.co.za. It costs R40 including postage and handling.
What you get out of being selected for the CPP?
These projects receive mentoring from editors at NB Publishers, and help to cover the costs of production of a first edition. The money made by selling the books can go towards reprinting, and towards financing a new book by the group.
The next deadline:
Wednesday, 1 September 2004.
Application forms are available from Colleen Higgs at the Centre for the Book,
telephone: 021 423 2669 or email her: colleen.higgs@nlsa.ac.za.
For more information on other programmes visit the Centre for the Book's website:
LitNet: 16 July 2004
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