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Business & Arts South Africa in collaboration with The Daily Sun
Press release
Business & Arts South Africa (BASA) has contracted with The
Daily Sun to serialise South African short stories targeting their
daily audience of over 3,5 million readers.
This initiative is seen as an opportunity to encourage people to read stories (local stories) and develop a culture of reading, leading over time to better English literacy. This is not a competition and BASA is seeking well written and well constructed stories of 5000 words over 10 episodes, each episode ending on a "cliff hanger" i.e. designed to encourage eager interest in the subsequent episode. Stories should resonate with the attitudes and thus excite the interests of the readership of The Daily Sun. (It is suggested that authors read The Daily Sun, in particular the Letters pages to get a 'feel' for the readers.) Remuneration is at R1,00 per published word.
If you are interested in submitting a story, please contact Nicola
Danby at BASA on 011 832 3000 or Nicola@basa.co.za
for full details.
About Business & Arts South Africa:
BASA was launched in 1997 as a joint initiative
of government, through the Department of Arts & Culture, and the corporate sector:
established as a section 21 company (not for profit), with President Mbeki as
our patron, we are mandated to promote and encourage corporate sector support
of the arts (across all genres) - mutually beneficial and sustainable business-arts
partnerships that over the longer term, benefit the broader community. To this
end, we run the BASA Supporting Grant Scheme through which we add value to business-arts
partnerships, and what we call Special Projects that are geared to mainstreaming
the arts within the public eye. All our activities are founded in the belief
that the arts do have real value for individuals, for communities and for civil
LitNet: 06 July 2005
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