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t i m e t o u c h

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- for godfrey, darling, april 2002

you can never
forget the time
or lose your way
in my small town

a train runs regularly
through it
the church bell
on the hour
and my coffee shoppe
is the entrance-exit
of this place i call

sweet home
that you my heart
shared one weekend
once upon
a three-days sipping
the drowsing wine
of our proud grapes
and tasting traditional sausage
and smaaklik chicken pie

to the sounds seductive side by side
by theatre by song and by play
the lyrics loving
le piano grandé
our own moulin rouge

you whispered me zorba
brushed my stubble felt its rough
held me bare helped me bear
loving me greek
and i dearest hart
for you adonis mine
lived my fantasy live
desires did i stroke and bear
duets for us i did sing

and recipes
all home-grown
with cautious caresses
shaded shadows holding
lekker crispy chips on the side
we soaked

and savoured
the smoky setting of the moon
and the arching rises of the stars
the crimson canvas of the sun
and the blue-brushed clouds
birds in white flight

we laughed with our hearts
alongside curious ostriches
and watched clamouring cows
in clumsy herds
dusting roads
that led to misty post
card hikes and intimate
chocolatebox snap shots
taking our breath away

but it was at the river
where we sat
to rest
dared to say
this journey is
but soon will
have been past

bursting in our toweled arousals
at once
we are the breathers
of the oft-forbidden
fresh nipping air
and beckoning blooms
momentarily spectacular

and the testers
at the quaint picnic
of the cheese’s sweet milk
as it rushes
rushing for to lessen
the embracing intoxication
and the bitter-sweetness
of the home-made jam
the athenian coffee
the stuffed hellenic olives
and the special local port

which i
specially packed
after the kiss of our moment
one with you

just before you departed

boontoe / to the top

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